Driver Logs enables you to check the status, state, and duty log information of your fleet’s drivers. A benefit of Driver Logs is drivers’ logs can be exported for review or edits can be made or confirmed. It is possible to quickly send a message to a driver and view the past communication.
This article applies to accounts with Canada ELD disabled. If using both US and Canada ELD, see Driver Logs (Canada).
To access the Driver Logs, on the main menu click Reports, and under Zonar Logs, select Driver Logs.
Driver Logs offers three main reports which can be selected from the upper left of the screen: Driver List, Unidentified Driving Trips, and Unidentified Driving Events.
Driver List
The Driver List tab displays details about active drivers and their current and historical driving logs.
- Driver List: Click a driver name in the list to view the Driver Details tab. Alternately, click in the Search field and enter a full or partial name, then press Enter on your keyboard to return all names matching what you entered.
- Duty Status Indicator: Displays the driver's current duty status. The color and appearance of the circle indicates the status:
- Gray: Off Duty (OFF, SB, PC)
- Green: On Duty (ON, D, YM)
- Red: In violation of one or more clocks
- Filled circle: Driver is logged into an ELD tablet
- Outlined circle: Driver is not logged into an ELD tablet
- Log Date: Click to select a date for the driver logs. Either click the calendar icon to select a specific day, or click the arrows to browse day by day. The report is set to the current date by default.
- Details: After selecting a driver, various details about the driver, the vehicle they are logged into, and load details are visible here. See below for more information on these tabs.
- Clocks: After selecting a driver, their current US Hours of Service clocks are visible here.
- Driver Logs: Displays the selected driver's logs for the selected day in both graph and list form. Hover over sections in the graph to see details about that duty status entry. See Log Entry Details for more information on the list entry details.
- Options
- Active Driver Export: Click to generate ELD-compliant driver logs for submission to an inspection officer or for archival for drivers visible in the Driver List.
- Inactive Driver Export: Click to generate ELD-compliant driver logs for submission to an inspection officer or for archival for inactive drivers.
- Print: Click to print an immediate version of this page.
- Help: Click to launch the support site and open this page.
- Filter: Click to open the Filter menu, which allows you to narrow the list of drivers via the following parameters.
- Dispatchers: Expand this list to select an individual dispatcher's name. All drivers assigned to the selected dispatcher will be shown when you click Apply. Selecting All Dispatchers will filter for all dispatchers within the generated report.
- Dispatcher Locations: Expand the list to select an individual location. All drivers assigned to the selected location will be shown when you click Apply. Selecting All Locations will filter for all dispatcher locations within the generated report.
- Duty Status: Expand the list to select a duty status. All drivers currently in the selected duty status will be shown when you click Apply. Selecting All Duty Statuses will display all driver duty statuses within the generated report.
Driver Details
The Driver Details tab displays the following information matching the Filter criteria you defined:
Driver ID | Displays an identification number that is given to the driver. |
EXSID | An identifier used for assets that are referenced by a number or ID outside of Ground Traffic Control. |
Driver License # | Displays the commercial driver license for the selected driver, as entered in the driver profile in Ground Traffic Control. |
Driver License Issuing State | Displays the state which issued the driver's license. |
Active Ruleset | Displays the current ruleset that is applied to the operator’s current trip. |
Total Distance | Displays the total distance traveled for the day. |
Drive Distance | Displays the total on-duty driving traveled for the day. |
PC Distance | Displays the total personal conveyance distance traveled for the day. |
Current Team Driver | Displays the active team driver for the current trip. |
Team Drivers | Displays past co-drivers who were logged in for the current day. |
Team Driver ELD User Name | |
Exemption Applied | If true, the driver applied a specific exemption to the active ruleset, otherwise false. |
Vehicle Setup
Click the Vehicle Setup tab to view the following details about the vehicle used during the trip.
CMV power unit | Displays the unique power unit number that is given to an asset within Ground Traffic Control. |
VIN | Displays the VIN that is associated with the current asset.
If the VIN is displayed with a dash in front (for example, -2M2N179Y1EC093157), the ECU VIN is invalid and ELD is using the manual VIN entered in Manage Assets. |
Asset # | Displays the current asset number. |
Asset License Plate # | Displays the license plate number for the current asset. |
Shipping Doc | Displays a unique shipping document number that is associated with the trip. |
Shipper/ Commodity | Displays what type of cargo the asset is hauling during the trip. |
Trailer | Displays if there is a trailer attached to the asset. |
Dolly | Displays if there is a dolly attached to the asset. |
Carrier Details
Click the Carrier Details tab to view the following details about the motor carrier.
Carrier | Displays the associated carrier for the asset. |
Driver's Home Location | Displays the address of the location out of which the driver is stationed. May or may not match the principal place of business. The address is determined by the location the driver is assigned to in Ground Traffic Control. |
Principal Place of Business | Displays the address of the principal place of business, or headquarters, for the motor carrier. |
General Details
Click the General tab to view the following details which apply to both driver and asset.
Day Starting Time | Displays the time of day used to calculate 24-hour workshifts. Currently cannot be modified from midnight (based on the driver's Time Zone). |
Time Zone | Displays the driver's time zone, used to calculate driving log clocks. The time zone is controlled by which location the driver is assigned to in Ground Traffic Control. |
Last Available Latitude | Displays the latitude from the last GPS datapoint received by the driver's ELD. |
Last Available Longitude | Displays the longitude from the last GPS datapoint received by the driver's ELD. |
Last ELD Login | Displays the last time the driver entered their login information into an ELD. |
Last ELD Duty Status | Displays the last recorded ELD status the driver entered. This should be the driver's current ELD status if the ELD is correctly communicating. |
DOT # | The US DOT number of the driver's motor carrier. |
Log Entry Details
- A log entry that is associated with a change in duty status will display the new duty status icon.
- All log entries are stamped with the exact time of record.
- Log details show which event was logged. You can identify who or what initiated the event by the first word of the entry:
- Driver: The driver initiated the log manually.
- ELD: The ELD rules engine initiated the log automatically.
- Engine: The vehicle initiated the log automatically.
- Carrier: The motor carrier initiated the log manually.
- The pencil icon allows editing if available.
- Bright blue: The event can be edited. Note that in some cases, the only edit that can be made is an annotation.
- Grey: The event can only be edited once the driver has certified that day's logs on the tablet.
- No icon: The event cannot be edited.
- Audit button: If the log entry has been edited, the audit trail icon will appear. Clicking it will expand the entry to show all edits to the entry with the newest edit at the top.
Drivers using ELD have access to the export function on the tablet when in Roadside View. However, it is possible to export logs from the Ground Traffic Control report to aid a roadside inspection or to produce a hardcopy of logs.
There are two options for exporting: Active Drivers and Inactive Drivers. Both produce the same format logs, but selecting a driver is slightly different for each.
Active Driver Exporting
- In the Driver List, click the name of the driver to be exported.
- Click the Active Driver Export icon in the upper right, then select the output based on country and need. See Export Options below for more details.
Inactive Driver Exporting
As inactive drivers are not visible in the driver list, the Inactive Driver Export allows you to select a driver within the export window.
- Click the Inactive Driver Export icon in the upper right, then select the output based on country and need. See Export Options below for more details.
- When the export window appears, type the inactive driver's name or part of the name in the provided box. When you press Enter, matching names pop up below the box and can be clicked on.
Export Options
FMCSA Output
Use this function if a DOT officer is requesting ELD logs and the driver is unable to provide logs on the tablet.
- Select the date range (typically the previous 8 days).
- Select whether to export via Email or Web Services.
- These options will deliver the logs to a pre-configured FMCSA repository. Either may be used, although the DOT officer may request one or the other.
- The DOT officer may request that a code or other note be added to the logs. This should go in the Additional Comments field.
- Once the options are selected, click Export. This will automatically transfer the logs to the FMCSA per ELD regulation.
PDF Export (US)
This will generate a PDF of the selected driver's US ELD logs that can be saved to your computer for archival purposes.
Do not use this option for roadside requests.
- Select the date range of logs to be exported.
- Check Show violations to display violations on the PDF (optional).
- Click Export. The PDF will be generated and made available for viewing or saving.
Unidentified Driving Trips
The Unidentified Driving Trips report shows all trips where the identity of the driver cannot be 100% verified due to various reasons, including the driver not being logged in at the start or the tablet being disconnected while the vehicle is in motion. These trips are displayed in this report, listed by asset. Options exist to assign trips to drivers if known, or to excuse them with a "No Driver" reason.
A trip is defined from the moment the vehicle begins moving after the engine is turned on to the next time the engine is turned off. If reading drive events from a Path export, this is the first Motion Start after a Power On to the next Power Off.
- Trip List: Displays all unidentified driving trips, sorted by date. Click one to view details for that trip.
- Trip Details: Displays information about the trip, which may be used to determine which driver made the trip. See below for more information.
- Assign Trip: Displays actions that may be taken to assign the trip to a driver or to a "No Driver" reason. See below for more information.
- Power View: Click to toggle to a legacy view. This view provides the same information but may be more accessible.
- Options
- Bulk Assign: Click to toggle Bulk Assign mode, then follow the directions on screen.
- Print: Click to print an immediate version of this page.
- Help: Click to launch the support site and open this page.
- Filter: Click to open the Filter menu, which allows you to narrow the list of trips via the following parameters.
- Status: Expand the list to select a possible status. All trips displaying this status will be shown when you click Apply.
- No Driver Reason: Expand the list to select an individual reason. All trips assigned to the selected reason will be shown when you click Apply. If no trips have been assigned to a reason, that reason will not appear in the list. If no reasons have been used at all, this filter will be grayed out.
- Date Range: Click to select a predefined or custom date range. All trips that began during the selected range will be shown when you click Apply.
Trip Details
Current Status |
Status of the unidentified trip. This may be:
Currently assigned to | The last driver the trip was assigned to. |
Last Action |
The last action that occurred on the trip. This may be:
Start GPS location | The GPS point taken when the asset began moving after the engine was turned on. |
Start date | The date and time the asset began moving after the engine was turned on. |
End GPS location | The GPS point taken when the asset's engine powered down after moving. |
End date | The date and time the asset's engine powered down after moving. |
Total distance | The distance in miles accrued over the total trip. |
Duration | The length of time the total trip took. |
Last known driver | The last driver who was logged into the recording ELD device. |
Assign Unidentified Driving Trip
If the dispatcher knows which driver is responsible for a trip, or if no driver is responsible for a trip (for example, a mechanic drove the truck within the yard without logging into the ELD), this section may be used to assign the trip as needed.
- Assign to: Select the desired option:
- Driver: If the trip belongs to a particular driver, select this option, then click on the Driver line. Begin typing the driver's name, and a list containing matching names will appear. Select the desired driver.
- No Driver Reason: If no driver is responsible for the trip, select this option, then click the Select Reason dropdown. This dropdown will be populated with pre-defined reasons. Select the most appropriate reason.
You can define custom No Driver Reasons by going to the Manage tab at the top of Ground Traffic Control, then under Drivers select No Driver Reason.
- Notes: Enter any relevant notes on why this trip is being assigned to the selected driver or reason.
When finished, click the Send to Driver or Assign to No Driver Reason button.
If assigned to a driver, the trip will not appear in the driver's logs until they have accepted the trip.
Unidentified Driving Events
Some events cannot be included in a complete trip. For example, if a driver turns on a vehicle before logging into the ELD, this is considered an unidentified driving event, but is not part of a trip. These do not need to be assigned to a driver, but may still be visible and accessed during a roadside inspection. Events may optionally be categorized under No Driver Reasons if desired.
- Event List: Displays all unidentified driving events, sorted by date. Click one to view details for that event.
- Event Details: Displays information about the event. See below for more information.
- Assign Event: Displays actions that may be taken to assign the event to a "No Driver" reason. See below for more information.
- Options
- Bulk Assign: Click to toggle Bulk Assign mode, then follow the directions on screen.
- Print: Click to print an immediate version of this page.
- Help: Click to launch the support site and open this page.
- Filter: Click to open the Filter menu, which allows you to narrow the list of events via the following parameters.
- Event Type: Expand the list to select a type of event. All events matching this type will be shown when you click Apply.
- Status: Expand the list to select a possible status. All events displaying this status will be shown when you click Apply.
- No Driver Reason: Expand the list to select an individual reason. All events assigned to the selected reason will be shown when you click Apply. If no events have been assigned to a reason, that reason will not appear in the list. If no reasons have been used at all, this filter will be grayed out.
- Date Range: Click to select a predefined or custom date range. All events that occurred during the selected range will be shown when you click Apply.
Event Details
Current status |
Status of the unidentified event. This may be:
Currently assigned to | The assigned reason, if assigned. If not, this is blank. |
Location | The GPS point taken when the event occurred. |
Date | The date and time the event occurred. |
Total Vehicle miles | The odometer value when the event occurred. |
Total Vehicle hours | The engine hours (if available) when the event occurred. |
Assign Unidentified Driving Event
If a reason that the selected event is unidentified exists, it may be selected from the list and assigned here.
No Driver Reason: This dropdown will be populated with pre-defined reasons that the event is unidentified. Select the most appropriate reason.
You can define custom No Driver Reasons by going to the Manage tab at the top of Ground Traffic Control, then under Drivers select No Driver Reason.
Click Assign to assign the event to the selected reason.