The Ground Traffic Control Maps screen allows you to view the locations and status of your fleet with the ability to drill down as deep as you need. The information provided is always up to date, and the page is designed to be usable on mobile devices while in the field.
This article will take you through the features of the Maps screen.
Maps is designed to provide as much functionality as possible from the main screen. Depending on your selections, the information displayed on the map and the sidebar on the left will change.
- Name: Your user name and company is displayed in the upper left.
- App Drawer: Available Ground Traffic Control apps are displayed here.
- Alerts: Click to access existing asset alerts. See the Alerts help page for more information.
- Help: Click to open the support site.
- Logout: Click to log out of Ground Traffic Control.
- Collapse: Click to minimize the app drawer and display only basic icons. While the drawer is collapsed, click again to expand.
- Search: Type a string into the search bar to retrieve all assets with names that fully or partially match the string.
- Filters: Click to select and configure pre-defined filters. See the Filters section for more information. Selected filters appear below the Filters button. Click the X next to any single filter to remove it from the list.
Asset List: All assets matching the configured filters will be displayed here with basic motion information and the last time an update was received. Assets may be sorted by the following options:
- Asset (A-Z): Default option. Assets are listed with 0 through 9 at the top, followed by A to Z.
- Asset (Z-A): Assets are listed with Z to A at the top, followed by 9 through 0.
- Newest Updates: Assets are listed with the most recently updated at the top.
- Oldest Updates: Assets are listed with the oldest updated at the top.
Assets must have an active GPS device assigned and have logged at least one GPS point to show in the Maps asset list.
- Collapse: Click to hide the asset list drawer and view only the map. Click again to display the asset list drawer.
Map Pins: Asset locations are represented by two types of map pins:
- Asset: Individual assets are represented by current motion icon and the asset name.
- Cluster: Multiple assets in a single area are represented by a single cluster pin indicating the number of assets in the area. As the map is zoomed in, the assets furthest out are automatically removed from the cluster and pinned individually. As the map is zoomed out, assets are automatically added to the cluster.
- Places: Click the Places button to search for businesses, addresses, and zones close to your assets.
- Locator: Click to open the Asset Locator. See the Asset Locator help page for more information.
- Layers: Hover over the Layers button to get a list of map display options. For more information on these options, see the Layers section.
- Fullscreen: Click to view the map in fullscreen mode. Press the Esc key to exit fullscreen mode.
- Center On Location: Click this button to center the map on your personal location. This feature is only available when you permit the site to know your location information.
- Zoom: Click the + button to zoom into the map. Click the - button to zoom out of the map.
Update Frequency
Unlike the legacy Location report, Maps automatically checks for new data every 10 seconds, updating the asset list on the left as well as the map itself with any new data. As such, the information you are looking at on Maps is always the most recent information available.
Click Filters to select from pre-set, configurable options.
The current filters available are:
- Show only powered on assets: Enable this to display only assets that have their engines turned on. When an asset's engine is powered off, it will be automatically hidden from the list.
- Account: If you have access to multiple accounts, select to filter the asset list to one specific account.
- Home Location: Select one or more locations to filter to those specific locations.
When desired filters have been selected, click Done to apply the filters and display any available assets.
Map Legend
The map icons for each asset provide intuitive information about vehicle motion at a glance.
Icon | Meaning |
Indicates that the asset is moving. The arrow points in the last known heading (direction of travel). | |
Indicates that the asset's engine is turned on, but the asset is idling in place. | |
Indicates that the asset is stopped and the engine is powered down. | |
Indicates a cluster of assets. The number in the middle is the total number of assets in the cluster. Zoom in on the map or uncheck Cluster Assets from the Layers menu to display the individual assets. | |
Indicates that the most recent data from the asset is over 12 hours old. The asset may not be communicating properly. Also may be indicated by |
Asset Details
When a single asset is selected, the sidebar changes from the Asset List to Asset Details, providing more information about the selected asset.
- Close: Click to return to the asset list and display the entire fleet on the map.
Asset Details: Displays the asset name. Click the down arrow to expand the details, showing additional information about the asset.
Driver Details: If the asset's driver is known, their name is displayed here. Hover over the icon to see what data indicated the known driver.
Click the down arrow to expand the details, showing additional information about the driver.
Most Recent Activity: Displays the following current information, which is updated as data arrives from the TCU.
- View in Google Maps: Click to open the asset's location in Google Maps in a new window.
- Heading: Displays current heading (direction of travel) and speed, if the asset is currently in motion. The icon in the sidebar does not reflect current heading.
- Last Updated: Displays when data for this asset was last received.
- State of Charge: For electric vehicles, displays the remaining charge in the battery.
Find Nearby Assets: Click to center the map on the five (5) closest assets. The asset tags display the distance from the original asset.
- Live/History: Click to toggle between showing the current status of the selected asset and its path history.
Follow Asset: With the asset you wish to follow selected, enabling this option will re-center the map on the selected asset's new position each time it updates.
Clicking the History toggle when an asset is selected will display the path the asset had traveled for the current day. New options and data are available on this view.
Exporting the path to CSV is currently unavailable from this view. Access the legacy Path report to export to CSV.
- Close: Click to return to the asset list and display the entire fleet on the map.
- Date: Click to select a desired date from the calendar, or click the left and right arrows to cycle through days. At this time, multiple days cannot be selected. Time shorter than a single day also cannot be selected.
Summary: Displays a summary of the activity for the selected date:
Time spent driving
Time spent stopped
Number of I/O events such as Door Open/Close (if configured) I/O events are not currently displayed in Maps for electric vehicles. Refer to the Path report for I/O data. -
Trips: Displays the trips taken throughout the selected day, along with driver if known. Each line is a trip which shows the time and distance between the asset's engine Power On and subsequent Power Off, including the start and end addresses. The duration shown between trips is the total stopped time.
Click to download a CSV export of the displayed trips for viewing in Excel or another spreadsheet program. - Live/History: Click to toggle between showing the current status of the selected asset and its path history.
Path: Displays the path the vehicle took during the selected day. The white arrows show the direction of travel. Significant events such as Power Off are displayed, but points in motion are not. Hover anywhere on the path to show driver, heading, time, and address when the asset was at that point in the path. For electric vehicles, the state of charge at that time is also displayed.
Timeline: A linear timeline showing the asset's status throughout the day.
- Green: Asset was moving during this time.
- Yellow: Asset was idling during this time.
- Gray: Asset was stopped during this time.
Maps offers a number of map styles as well as information layers. Hover over the Layers button in the upper left to select the following options.
Map Styles
Only one map style can be selected at a given time.
Classic Map | |
Satellite | |
Terrain | |
Weather |
Overlays are additional information that may be toggled on or off independently. The current overlays available are:
- Cluster Assets: When toggled on, assets close to each other on the zoom level currently viewed are grouped into one cluster. Individual assets are still shown when zoomed in enough to pinpoint locations.
Road Incidents: When toggled on, displays known road incidents or construction work on the map.
Traffic: When toggled on, displays current traffic conditions.
- Show Zones: When toggled on, displays geofenced zones visible to your Ground Traffic Control user profile. Zone creation and editing is controlled within Ground Traffic Control at Manage > System Settings > Zones. See the Zones documentation for more information.
State of Charge
State of Charge (SoC) is a feature available to supported electric vehicles (EV). When available, the last known SoC is shown in the Asset Details, and selecting a point on the asset's path in the History view shows the SoC of the asset at that point in time.
In the picture below, SoC is the last line, showing an 82.7% charge for this asset.
EV models compatible with the SoC feature are as follows:
- Thomas Built Jouley
- Lion Electric LionC
- Blue Bird Vision
- Blue Bird All American
- IC Bus Electric CE
- Freightliner eCascadia