Driver Dashboard is a web application which allows drivers to manage their hours of service logs and update their duty status from a computer, tablet or smartphone, without needing to be in the vehicle.
Important Notes
Driver Dashboard is a supplement to the driver's Electronic Logging Device (ELD). Drivers should still use their in-vehicle ELD to accurately capture drive hours and provide logs for roadside inspections.
Driver Dashboard is not currently enabled for all customers. Contact Zonar Customer Care at (877) 843 3847 or if you want to use this feature.
Driver Dashboard only allows non-motion duty status change to ON or OFF duty. For all other duty status changes, the driver should log into the tablet on the vehicle and update their duty status.
Access Driver Dashboard
To access Driver Dashboard, you must be listed as a driver with a valid email address in a Ground Traffic Control (GTC) account. Provide your dispatcher or fleet administrator with this email address.
Once the email address has been entered, Zonar Systems sends a welcome email to that address.
Open the email and click Verify your email address. You will have an opportunity to set your password at this time.
If you already have access to Ground Traffic Control as a user, you do still need a driver profile to access Driver Dashboard. Zonar recommends that your driver profile use an email address that is different from your user email.
Once you obtain your credentials, log in to the Driver Dashboard portal.
- User Settings: Your name and company's account code are shown here. Click to access user settings.
- Company Name: The name of the active company.
- Current duty status: Displays which duty status your logs are currently in and for how long. Click Change Status to switch between ON and OFF Duty.
- Today's Clocks: Displays the various hours of services clocks, similar to your ELD, as well as current ruleset.
This section always displays your current clocks, regardless of which day you're viewing in the Daily Logs.
- Daily Logs: Displays the selected day's logs in grid and list views. Click the arrows to the left and right of the date to review previous days.
- Certify Logs: Click to certify the last 14 days of your driver logs.
- Export Logs: Click to send a copy of your driver logs to a provided email address.
This method of exporting logs is not compliant with either CCMTA or FMCSA requirements and cannot be used during roadside inspections. The logs must be directly exported from the ELD in that situation.
- Add Log Event: Click to insert a change in duty status for the displayed date.
User Settings
Clicking your name in the top right of the screen will provide account options:
- Change Password: Click to open a browser window where you can change your password.
- Logout: Click to log out of your profile.
Current Duty Status
To change your duty status from OFF to ON or vice versa, click Change Duty Status.
Driver Dashboard only allows changing between OFF and ON duty. An ELD tablet is required for any other statuses.
The following fields are available when changing duty status:
- Location: Required. Enter the location (city and state) where you are making the duty status update.
- Notes: Optional. Enter an annotation to describe your duty status change.
Once the fields are filled out, click OK to change duty status.
If you decide you don't want to change your duty status, click Back to cancel.
When you change your duty status from the dashboard, it is also updated on the dispatcher's view in Ground Traffic Control and on your ELD tablet.
Daily Logs
The Daily Logs view provides a grid and list view of your logs similar to the ELD.
Click to go back one day. Click
to go forward one day.
Grid View
The grid is color-coded to provide better visibility into your hours of service compliance:
- Green: Logs in compliance with the hours of service ruleset you are operating under.
- Red: Logs in violation of the hours of service ruleset you are operating under.
- Grey: Logs using a Special Duty Status (SDS) such as Yard Move or Personal Conveyance.
This legend can be viewed at any time by hovering over the icon.
List View
Each entry in the list will show pertinent vehicle information including miles and hours. If the duty status entry was created from the Change Status button in Driver Dashboard, these fields will read as Not Available and a note will be automatically included stating the reason for this.
Each entry will also have an pencil icon. Click one to edit the log associated with that icon. See Edit Logs for more information.
Certify Logs
If you have logs within the previous 14 days which need to be certified, click the Certify Logs button to open the Certify Logs window.
Uncertified logs older than 14 days must be certified directly on the ELD, not Driver Dashboard.
The Certify Logs screen displays the oldest day that requires certification. As you make decisions on each day, the screen will progress to the next day until you reach the current day.
The following options are available for each day:
- Agree: You certify that the logs for this day are true and correct. The day is then marked as Certified.
- Do Later: The day is skipped and the screen presents the next day. You have not yet certified the day and will be asked to do so in the future. Days that have not been certified are marked as Uncertified.
- Exit Certify: All log certification is paused and Driver Dashboard returns to the main driver logs screen. All days that were not displayed are still considered Uncertified and will be displayed next time you choose to certify logs.
Export Logs
Click Export Logs to open a window which allows you to specify an email address to which you can send a PDF copy of your driver logs.
Driver logs are available for the previous six (6) months. You may export two (2) weeks at a time.
This method of exporting logs is not compliant with either CCMTA or FMCSA requirements and cannot be used during roadside inspections. The logs must be directly exported from the ELD in that situation.
- Export type: Select which country's logs you wish to export. The exported logs will include information relevant to that country's ELD requirements. Select both to generate two sets of logs.
- Email Address: Required. Enter the destination email address. If sending your logs to an inspection officer, you must use the export function from the ELD tablet instead of Driver Dashboard.
- Start Date: Required. Click to select the beginning day of the log export.
- End Date: Required. Click to select the ending day of the log export.
- Comments: Optional. Enter any comments you wish to provide along with the export. These comments will appear in the body of the email containing the PDF export.
When all fields are filled out, click Export to send the logs.
Click Cancel to close the window without sending logs.
Add Logs
New log events can only be added for the displayed date. If you wish to add logs to a previous day, you must first navigate using the arrows until you are viewing the desired date.
Click Add Log Event to display a window allowing you to enter information.
- Start Time: Enter the time of the duty status event. Typing the hours automatically advances to minutes, which advances to seconds, and finally advances to AM or PM.
Once the entry is submitted, this time can never be edited.
- Duty Status: Select OFF, SB, D, or ON. Unlike the primary Change Status button, this allows you to enter Drive events.
Be aware that because you are entering the event from Driver Dashboard, required information cannot be provided and must be explained in the notes.
- Total Vehicle Miles: If the duty status change occurred in a vehicle, include the odometer at the time of change.
The field accepts 0 as a value but does not accept a blank value.
- Location: Add the appropriate location at time of duty status change here.
- Notes: Add appropriate notes describing the duty status change.
This field cannot be left blank.
A preview of the resulting log entry appears below the fields.
Once satisfied, click Submit to create the entry in your logs. Click Cancel to dismiss the pop-up window without creating an entry.
Edit Logs
Click the pencil icon next to a given log entry to edit certain details of that entry.
Not all details may be edited.
- Start Time: This field can never be edited.
- Duty Status: If the entry was an automatic non-Drive event or was manually created, this field can be edited.
- Total Vehicle Miles: If the entry was manually created via the Add Log Event button, this field can be edited.
- Location: If the entry was manually created, this field can be edited.
- Notes: This field can always be edited.
Once satisfied, click Submit to save the changes. Click Cancel to dismiss the pop-up window without editing the entry.
Q: I am a new driver and I have never updated my duty status—can I update the duty status on the dashboard?
A: Yes, you can update your duty status to ON or OFF from the dashboard.
Q: What if my current duty status in the dashboard does not match my last duty status change using my tablet?
A: Driver Dashboard shows the last duty status change that was logged in GTC. If you have not docked your tablet and transmitted your logs to your dispatcher, there is a chance that Driver Dashboard will not be completely up-to-date. It is recommended to dock your tablet and transmit your current logs before starting use of the dashboard, if at all possible. If not, just switch yourself into the appropriate duty status after you log in to the Driver Dashboard and dock your tablet whenever possible.
Q: I forgot my password. How do I reset it?
A: Click “Don't remember your password” on the Driver Dashboard login page.
Q: I want to use my personal mail address to log in instead of my company email address.
How do I change my login email and password?
A: Contact your dispatcher and ask them to update the email address on the driver profile.
Q: I want to update my new CDL in the drivers profile in GTC. How can I do that and will that impact my access to the dashboard?
A: Your dispatcher can update the drivers profile with the new CDL and state and that will not
impact your access to the dashboard.
Q: I did not set up my email in the GTC driver profile. Can I set it up now and gain access to the dashboard?
A: Yes. Ask your dispatcher to enter your email on the driver profile and you should receive an invitation with instructions on how to access the Driver Dashboard.
Q: I forgot the email that is set in my Driver Profile. How do I get access to Driver Dashboard?
A: Contact your dispatcher to get the email address. If you remember the password you can log in immediately. Otherwise, change your password and login.