Enter your account number or customer ID (ex. ABC1234)

Name of company

Name of person to contact at company

Phone number of the company contact

Email address of the company contact

Do you want to deactivate units or cancel your service?

If your reason isn't listed above, provide it here. You may also use this field to elaborate on the reason selected above.

Supply the GPS IDs or S/Ns of the devices you want to deactivate, one per line. Include the type of device with its S/N. You can also attach a spreadsheet below if you have a large number of devices to deactivate.

The company has lost the ability to utilize this service due to budget constraints.

The company is switching to a different provider for similar services and products.

The contract ended, and the company decided not to renew services with Zonar.

The price for Zonar products and services does not meet the company's expectations.

The unit(s) were acquired through a dealership process and the company has decided not to renew the services on this device.

The company was not satisfied with the products or services provided by Zonar.

The company was not satisfied with the service received from multiple departments.

The company does not want to upgrade to new hardware to maintain Zonar service.

The company did not find adequate value or use in Zonar services.

If your reason for cancellation isn't listed, enter it here. You can also elaborate on the reason(s) selected above if you wish.

Select the date you would like to end your service. Backdating is not possible.

Add file or drop files here