Inspection Builder is a web application that allows fleet administration to create electronic inspections (EVIR) customized to their fleet. These inspections can then be used by fleet drivers via the EVIR Mobile App to log critical information about the vehicle or current trip.
This article explains the various functions and controls of the Inspection Builder.
Glossary of EVIR Terms
Stands for Electronic Verified Inspection Report. EVIR is used to refer to the Zonar system of performing walkaround inspections using a handheld device or tablet and submitting the inspection electronically instead of using paper.
Inspection Type
Different types of inspections may require the driver to inspect different areas of the vehicle, or include different information. For example, a Child Check inspection only requires that the driver check the passenger area for any children still present on the bus, while a pre- or post-trip inspection requires a full walkaround. Some inspection types don't even require vehicle inspection, just entering data such as odometer and fuel level, or the driver's start and end of shift.
A configuration is any arrangement of related areas that require inspection; typically these are the areas around a specific type of vehicle, but may also be parts of a complex piece of equipment or even areas around a building such as security points or bathroom checks.
Typically configurations are used for different types of vehicles. For example, a bus may require the driver to inspect the passenger area, whereas a tractor-trailer does not have a passenger area to inspect. Depending on the level of inspection detail your fleet requires, you may even find it necessary to use configurations for different models of the same type of vehicle.
You can think of a configuration as a vehicle type in your fleet that has its own unique set of zones.
A zone is a general area to be inspected, such as the engine compartment or rear of the vehicle. While many configurations share the same types of zones, different configurations allow different zones to be used. The passenger area would be a zone in a bus configuration, or a mixing barrel would be a zone on a concrete mixer truck.
You can think of a zone as a part of the vehicle you need to walk to in order to inspect the components there.
A component is a piece of a zone that is visible or accessible when standing at that zone. For example, the components for the rear of a vehicle might include rear lights, brake lights, the back window, the license plate, the tires, and so on.
You can think of components as parts of the vehicle that need to be inspected to determine their condition.
Each component will be in a certain condition, whether that is in working order, broken, missing, or any number of conditions unique to that component. Any out of the ordinary conditions need to be noted in the inspection report, as well as whether or not they render the vehicle unsafe to drive.
Asset Tag
When performing a tagged inspection, each vehicle will have a tag with a unique identifier. This tag must be scanned at the beginning of an inspection to identify which vehicle is being inspected.
Zone Tag
When performing a tagged inspection, each zone of the vehicle will have an associated zone tag. When walking to that zone, the tag must be scanned, which will then display the associated components on the device screen.
Click here to access the Inspection Builder.
In order to use it, the admin on your Ground Traffic Control account must assign the permission ect2customeradmin
to your user profile.
The overall process to creating an inspection is as follows:
- In the Inspection Types tab, create an inspection.
- Add desired form fields from the Form Library to the inspection and configure it to your needs.
- Click Save to save the inspection.
- If your inspection requires an asset walkaround:
- In the Configurations tab, either use a preset configuration or create a new one if none of the presets meet your needs. The configuration determines the asset used in the inspection.
- Expand the configuration to show the zones.
- Edit each zone of the asset that is involved with the inspection and add your new inspection type.
- Click Save.
- When finished, click Deploy to send the new inspection to the EVIR app for driver use.
The Configurations view allows you to create customized configurations. This view is made up of three panes:
- Asset Map View: Displays a visual representation of where zones are located on a vehicle. Their locations can be adjusted here.
- Asset Configurations: Displays created configurations, which can be edited here.
- Template Library: Displays available configuration templates, allowing for quick creation of custom configurations.
Asset Map View
The left pane is the Asset Map View, which displays a visual representation of the vehicle and the location of the zones in the selected configuration.
The existence of a zone dot is controlled by the existence of a zone with the associated number in the Asset Configuration list. Once a zone dot is displayed, it can be moved around the display by clicking and dragging.
All changes to the zone dots must be saved by clicking the Save button in the upper right.
Zone dots can be filtered by the inspection types they are associated with. These associations are controlled per zone in the Asset Configuration list, and an inspection type will only appear in the Asset Map View if at least one zone is assigned to that inspection type.
Asset Configurations
The center pane is the Asset Configurations. This is the primary editing pane in the Configurations view, where you may define the different vehicle types in your fleet and the different components that must be inspected.
Each configuration is constructed as follows:
- Configuration
- Zones (Z#)
- Components
- Conditions
- Components
- Zones (Z#)
For a description of each of these fields, see the Glossary of EVIR Terms at the top of this article.
Each field can be rearranged in the list by clicking and dragging its box. This will change the order in which the fields are presented to the driver, but zones will not change their zone numbers in this manner.
The details of each field can be edited by clicking the on the right side of its box. The following options are available to all fields:
Edit: Brings up a window with applicable details for the field being edited. The values provided depend on the field being edited:
- Name: The name of the configuration. Typically this is the type of vehicle or asset in your fleet.
- Image: The image to use for the Asset Map View pane. Select the closest representative to the vehicle you are configuring.
- Asset types: Up to three (3) asset types may be defined here. These asset types assist EVIR and Ground Traffic Control in determining how to categorize the asset. New configurations are preset with the types "standard" and "vehicle". Enter the type of vehicle such as "bus" or "truck" here.
- Name: The description of the zone being inspected.
- Tag Type: Select Zone for a standard vehicle tag, Trailer for a trailer tag, or Dolly for a dolly tag.
- Tag Number: The zone number.
Inspection Type: Click the dropdown to display available inspection types, then click the box next to each desired inspection type to select it.
The list of available inspection types can be configured in the Inspection Types window.
- Name: The name of the component.
- Apply to All: Click to change all instances of this component across configurations to the new name.
Name: The description of the component's condition.
EVIR assumes that a component is working correctly if no condition is present. You do not need to include a "Good" or similar condition.
- Apply to All: Click to change all instances of this component across configurations to the new name.
Name: The description of the component's condition.
- Copy: Click to copy the selected field and all subfields. Once Copy is clicked, you can then select a *parent* field of the type copied and select Paste to add the copy. For example, if you copy a zone, you can only paste it in the options for a configuration.
- Clone below: Click to immediately create a copy of the selected field and all subfields. The copy will appear in the list immediately below the cloned field.
- Delete: Click to delete the field and all subfields.
Importing and Exporting Configurations
- JSON: This is a JSON file formatted similarly to the JSON file provided by the export function.
- JSON: This is a text file containing all displayed configurations, zones, components, and conditions in JSON format. The JSON data is displayed in-browser. Click Copy to copy the data to your clipboard, which can then be pasted into another program or into a text file for later retrieval.
- Full: This is a Word document containing all displayed configurations, zones, components, and conditions in plain text. This may be useful for auditing the full configurations to ensure there are no missing pieces.
- Install: This is a Word document containing only configurations and zones, including zone number. This is an abridged document primarily used to determine during installation which numbered tags are placed in which zones.
Template Library
The right pane is the Template Library, which offers premade configurations to use as a base.
Add a new configuration to your list by clicking and dragging one of the options from the library to the Asset Configurations list. The configuration and all zones, components, and conditions will be copied over.
You can only move configurations in this way: individual zones, components, and conditions cannot be moved.
If none of the premade options match the configuration you want to create, you can start from scratch by using the Blank Configuration instead. This will require you to edit each piece of the configuration manually, and add more by using the Copy or Clone Below options.
Inspection Types
The Inspection Types view allows you to create and edit different kinds of inspections. Inspections can range from compliance-mandated pre-trips and child checks to load and fuel updates that don't require scanning any area of the vehicle.
This view is made up of three panes:
- Inspection Types
- Inspection Details
- Form Library
Inspection Types
The left pane shows available inspection types. Click on one to display and edit the details in the Inspection Details pane.
You can create a new inspection type through several methods:
- Click the at the top of the pane and select Create New, which will create a blank inspection type;
- Click the at the top of the pane and select Add From Library, which will allow you to choose a premade inspection type;
- Click the by a specific inspection type and select Clone Below, which will create a copy of that inspection type directly under it.
You can also perform the following actions on a specific inspection type:
- Edit: Click to edit the label and description of the inspection type. Editing details is done by using the center pane.
- Delete: Click to delete the inspection type.
Inspection Details
The center pane is where the inspection details are displayed and can be edited. Each detail has a next to it which can be used to edit values or delete the detail entirely.
Individual details can be added to the list by dragging and dropping a form from the Form Library, then editing it to show the desired information.
All inspection types also have four preset options for configuration only and are not displayed in the EVIR Mobile app.
- Is legally mandated: When selected, indicates that the selected inspection type is required for legal compliance, which flags it for extra protections when editing and using.
- Pre-populate Previous Inspection defects: When selected, if a previous inspection of this type had defects that have not been cleared through the web portal, a new inspection will also contain those defects.
- Force inspection zone order: When selected, the person performing this inspection must begin with Zone 1, proceed to Zone 2, and so on in order. If the driver attempts to perform this inspection out of order, the app will display an error.
- Associate driver with inspected assets: When selected, the person performing this inspection will be listed as the driver of the inspected vehicle on the live Maps view. This association will persist until the next driver association inspection is completed or 24 hours since the last driver association inspection, whichever comes first. Unchecking this box may be useful if you have inspection types that you expect someone such as a mechanic or other person who you may not want to associate as the driver.
Zones are not assigned to a type in the Inspection Details pane. Associate an inspection type to a specific zone in the Asset Configurations view.
Some inspection types such as time cards or fuel reports do not need to be associated with zones around the vehicle. The Inspection Builder allows you to create these inspections by simply not associating the inspection to any zones in Asset Configuration. These inspections are sometimes called "zoneless" inspections.
Form Library
The rightmost pane is the form library which allows you to add new forms to the currently selected inspection type. The form offers both general form fields, which can be customized for any purpose you need, and premade fields, which are used for specific common purposes.
Drag and drop the desired fields into the Inspection Details pane to add them to the inspection type. When you add a form field to the inspection, you are given some options to define what the form is for.
Use when you need a Yes/No question answered.
For example: Oversize load?
- Label: The name of the field. This appears next to the checkbox.
- Helper Text: Extra text to explain what the field is for. This appears in smaller text under the checkbox.
- Default to checked: When toggled on, the box will be checked whenever a new inspection is loaded, requiring the driver to uncheck the box if necessary.
- Field is required: When toggled on, the inspection cannot be completed unless the box is checked. When toggled off, the checkbox is optional.
Select (dropdown)
Use when you need one of multiple options selected.
For example: Trailer type Dry or Refrigerated?
- Label: The name of the field. This appears in the dropdown when nothing is selected.
- Helper Text: Extra text to explain what the field is for. This appears in smaller text under the dropdown.
Choices: A minimum of two choices is required. You can drag and drop the choices to change the order.
- Name: The name of the option.
- Delete: Click to delete the option.
- Add: Click to add a new option after the one next to this icon.
- Field is required: When toggled on, the inspection cannot be completed unless an option is selected. When toggled off, the dropdown is optional.
Text field
Use when you need a free-form word or number entered. The options allow you to define what kind of text should be entered.
For example: Odometer Value.
- Label: The name of the field. This appears in the text field when nothing is typed.
- Helper Text: Extra text to explain what the field is for. This appears in smaller text under the text field.
Field Type: This option determines what sort of text the field will accept.
Simple text: The field will accept numbers and letters with no restrictions.
- Min characters: The minimum number of characters for the field to be accepted. If the minimum is 0, this field is not required.
- Max characters: The maximum number of characters for the field to be accepted.
Numeric: The field will accept only numbers.
Unit types: The type of unit. In most cases both the English and metric measurements are provided for each type of unit. If no unit is desired, select Simple Number.
- Allow user to choose: When toggled on, the driver may choose between the listed measurements when entering the information. For example, amount paid at a gas station may be listed in US or Canadian dollars.
Unit types: The type of unit. In most cases both the English and metric measurements are provided for each type of unit. If no unit is desired, select Simple Number.
Numeric (with decimal): The field will accept only numbers with a decimal. For example: 12.95.
- Decimal places: The number of decimal places the field needs. For example, 0.1 will allow 12.9 but not 12.95.
Unit types: The type of unit. In most cases both the English and metric measurements are provided for each type of unit. If no unit is desired, select Simple Number.
- Allow user to choose: When toggled on, the driver may choose between the listed measurements when entering the information. For example, amount paid at a gas station may be listed in US or Canadian dollars.
Simple text: The field will accept numbers and letters with no restrictions.
- Field is required: When toggled on, the inspection cannot be completed unless text is entered. When toggled off, the field is optional.
Camera / Photos
Use when you need pictures to accompany the inspection without being associated with a specific defect. If the inspection is not associated with any zones, this is the only way to attach pictures to an inspection.
Drivers may always attach pictures to zone defects whether this field is used or not.
- Label: The name of the field. This appears next to the camera icon.
- Helper text: Extra text to explain what the field is for. This appears in smaller text under the label.
- Field is required: When toggled on, the inspection cannot be completed unless at least one (1) photo is attached. When toggled off, the field is optional.
A maximum of three (3) pictures per form field is permitted.
Premade fields
- Odometer: Text field for entering the current odometer value on the inspection.
- Engine Hours: Text field for entering the current engine hours value on the inspection.
- Fuel Level: Text field for entering the current fuel level value on the inspection.