The Asset Locator is a tool designed to help you find which assets passed through a given area at a given time. This functionality can be useful for:
- Identifying which asset is closest to a pickup location;
- Identifying which asset may have been involved in unsafe driving, speeding, a collision, or other incident;
- Any situation in which the location and time are known, but not the specific asset.
- Date: Select the date to search. Only one day may be selected at a time.
- Time Range: Select the range of time to search in. If you are searching on the current day, you can select from the previous 2, 4, 8, or 24 hours. If you are searching on a previous day, you can select either the morning (AM) or evening (PM).
- Location Search: Choose either option to mark the area to search in:
- Draw a search area: Click on the map to draw a rectangle on the map.
- Search for address: Enter an address to search in a circle around that address.
- Back: Return to Maps.
Draw a Search Area
One option to select the search area is to draw a rectangle around it. To start, click either "Draw a search area" or the icon.
After clicking, your cursor will change to a crosshairs. Set it at one corner of the desired search area and click.
Move your cursor (do not hold down the mouse button) and the search area expands to follow your cursor. Move it to the other corner of the desired search area and click again to select.
Search For Address
You can also select your search area by entering an address. To start, click either "Search for address" or the icon.
Once selected, the locator tool provides a text box. Type the address in. As you type, the search box will offer suggestions. If one matches the address you need, you may click it to auto-complete.
Once the address is typed in, hit Enter and the map will center on the address. A circular search area is displayed around it.
Once your time range and location are entered, the tool will return a list of assets that were recorded with in that area during the time range.
Vital data about each asset is presented:
- Asset name: The name of the asset as provided in Ground Traffic Control.
- Driver: If a driver is associated with the asset, they are listed here. Unknown is shown if no driver is associated.
- In: The time the first GPS point was recorded since entering the search area.
- Out: The time the first GPS point was recorded since leaving the search area.
- Max Speed: The highest speed recorded from the asset while in the search area.
Clicking an asset displays its path on the map within the search area, as well as notable actions:
- Entered Zone: Displays the GPS point recorded at the In time.
- Exited Zone: Displays the GPS point recorded at the Out time.
- Max Speed: Displays the point during the path at which the asset was traveling at its highest speed. If no Max Speed icon is present, the asset was moving at the same speed throughout the shown path.
- Harsh Event: Displays points during the path at which the asset's speed increased or decreased significantly, indicating, for example, a potential hard braking event or collision. If no Harsh Event icons are present, no such events took place. Zonar makes no claims about what occurred, only that the asset's speed changed unusually fast for typical driving.