The Idle report provides a high-level overview of how much time and money your fleet has spent idling in a given time period, with the ability to drill down to individual vehicles and occurrences. This article details the functions and data available on the Idle report.
- View: Click to select between Asset View and Event View. This primarily controls the details at the bottom of the report. See Asset View and Event View for more information.
- Filters: Click to filter the reported data by date, location or asset, or manufacturer. See Filters for more information.
- Summary: Displays a high-level report for the fleet, restricted by any filters provided. See Summary for more information.
- Top Idlers: Displays the top ten (10) assets with the most idle time per day. See Top Idlers for more information.
- Average Idle Hours Trend: Displays a graph of the average idle time for the filtered fleet over the selected date range. See Average Idle Hours Trend for more information.
- Idled Assets/Idle Events: Displays detailed information about individual assets if Asset View is selected or individual events if Event View is selected.
The provided filters allow you to restrict the data to a certain time period or group of assets so that you can quickly review pertinent information.
Date Range: Click to define the range of time issues should filter to. Defaults to previous 7 days. Available options:
- Today
- Previous 7 days
- Previous 14 days
- Previous 30 days
- Custom: Click the starting date on the calendar, then click the ending date to define your desired date range. The previous 30 days are available.
- Asset: Click to filter the assets used in the report. The assets are sorted by location and account, if your user profile has permission to view multiple accounts. You may select one or multiple specific assets, locations, or accounts. Defaults to all visible assets.
- Severity: Click to filter the assets or events by the severity of their idling events. Normal severity is any idle time over 1 minute, while critical severity can be set to your preference in Threshold Settings. Default critical severity is idle time over 15 minutes.
- Manufacturer: Click to select one or more asset year/make/model. The issues list will filter to only issues from those selected models. This list is populated by VINs collected from the selected range of assets. Defaults to all available manufacturers.
The summaries shown here provide high-level information about your fleet's idle time at a glance.
The summaries provided here do not include data from vehicles with less than 1 minute per idle event within the selected date range.
- Average Idle Hours (per day): Displays the average idle time per asset per day across the filtered assets and date range. Does not include assets with idle time less than 1 minute.
- Total Idle Time: Displays the total idle time across the filtered assets and date range.
Est. Idle Cost: Displays the estimated cost of the total idle time to your fleet. Click
Edit to configure the information to calculate this cost:
- Fuel Cost: The average cost per gallon of fuel for your fleet.
- Burn Rate: The average rate at which your fleet burns gallons per hour while idling.
- Idled Assets: Displays the total number of assets with idle events greater than 1 minute within the selected date range.
Top Idlers
The Top Idlers list provides the top ten (10) assets arranged from highest to lowest based on average idle time spent per day for the selected time frame out of the selected assets.
This list makes no claims about drivers who may be responsible for the high idle times, only assets with recorded idle times.
Average Idle Hours Trend
The Average Idle Hours Trend displays the average idle times per day for the total selected assets across the specified date range in a line graph.
Hover your cursor over a point on the graph to display the date, average idle hours per asset for that day, and total assets contributing to the average idle time.
Asset View
Idled Assets
The Idled Assets table displays all selected assets for the selected date range which had at least one idle event longer than 1 minute. Idle events are aggregated by asset, allowing you to see the impact on your fleet from any given asset.
- Asset: Displays the name of the asset as defined in Manage Assets.
Severity: Displays Normal or Critical severity according to the following:
- Normal: The asset has no idle events which exceeded the critical threshold.
- Critical: The asset has at least one idle event which exceeded the critical threshold.
- Last Date: Displays the most recent date on which the asset registered an idle event.
- Total Idle Events: Displays the asset's total idle events within the selected date range. Click the number to display the Event View filtered to that specific asset.
- Manufacturer: Displays the make of the asset if known.
- Location: Displays the asset's home location as defined in Manage Assets.
- Avg. Idle Hrs.: Displays the asset's average idle time per day within the selected date range.
- Total Idle Hrs.: Displays the asset's total idle time within the selected date range.
- Total Idle Fuel (Gal): Displays the estimated total gallons of fuel the asset used while idling. Controlled by the Burn Rate setting editable in the Est. Idle Cost summary.
- Est. Idle Cost: Displays the estimated total cost of fuel the asset used while idling. Controlled by the Fuel Cost setting editable in the Est. Idle Cost summary.
Event View
Idle Events
The Idle Events table displays all individual idle events longer than 1 minute that occurred within the selected date range. If the fleet is filtered to one or more assets it will show events for only those assets, such as if you click the Total Idle Events count for a specific asset in Asset View.
- Asset: Displays the name of the asset as defined in Manage Assets.
- Severity: Displays Normal severity if the idle event lasted between 1 minute and the critical threshold, or Critical severity if the event exceeded the threshold. Default threshold is 15 minutes.
- Idle Start: Displays the date and time the idle event began.
- Idle End: Displays the date and time the idle event ended.
- Manufacturer: Displays the make of the asset, if known.
- Idle Duration (Hrs): Displays the length of time the idle event lasted.
- Total Idle Fuel (Gal): Displays the estimated total gallons of fuel used during the idle event. Controlled by the Burn Rate setting editable in the Est. Idle Cost summary.
- Est. Idle Cost: Displays the estimated total cost of fuel used during the idle event. Controlled by the Fuel Cost setting editable in the Est. Idle Cost summary.
- Address: The nearest address to the position of the asset during the idle event. Click to display a pop-up map showing the location.