The Inspection Defects report shows all defects that have been reported in EVIR inspections. This report lets you sort and filter existing defects, as well as mark them complete for a variety of reasons. The Asset Inspection and Repair History screen provides detailed information on the current defects for a specific asset.
Inspection Defects
- Search to filter: Type to search for a specific asset, inspector, or division. Click the tabs in the search box to select which type you are looking for.
Date Range: Click to define the range of time issues should filter to. Defaults to previous 7 days. Available options:
- Today
- Previous 7 days
- Previous 14 days
- Previous 30 days
- Previous 365 days
- Custom: Click the starting date on the calendar, then click the ending date to define your desired date range.
- Asset Type: Click to select one or more asset types as defined in Manage Assets.
- Status: Click to select either Open or Closed defects. Defaults to Open.
Severity: Click to select inspections matching one or more severity levels:
Minor Defects: The defect is a concern, but the vehicle is safe to drive.
Major Defects: The vehicle is not safe to drive until the defect is repaired.
Severity: Displays an icon indicating how severe the defect is.
Minor Defects: The defect is a concern, but the vehicle is safe to drive.
Major Defects: The vehicle is not safe to drive until the defect is repaired.
- Date Inspected: The date the defect was marked in an inspection.
- Time: The date the defect was marked in an inspection.
- Asset Number: Displays the asset name as defined in Manage Assets. Click to navigate to the Asset Defect and Repair History page for that asset.
- Asset Location: Displays the asset location as defined in Manage Assets.
- Zone: Displays the asset zone in which the defect was found.
- Component: Displays the defective component.
- Condition: Displays the condition the defective component was found in.
Photos: If any photos are attached, click the down arrow on the defect line to expand and view the photos.
When defects are repaired, replaced, or otherwise resolved, the defects can be closed in this report by clicking the box next to it, then selecting a resolution.
Select Pending if action has been taken on the defect but it is not fully resolved yet. For example, a part has been ordered and the mechanic is waiting on delivery.
Clicking on Pending opens a window that provides the following:
- Comments: Enter any comments stating why the repair is pending.
- Certification: Click the checkbox to certify the update on the defect. This must be checked before the update can be saved.
Repair not needed
Select Repair not needed if no action needs to be taken on the defect. For example, normal wear and tear on a n older vehicle.
Clicking on Repair not needed opens a window that provides the following:
- Comments: Enter any comments stating why the defect does not require repair.
- Certification: Click the checkbox to certify the defect did not require repairs. This must be checked before the resolution can be saved.
Select Repaired if action has been taken on the defect and the component is no longer defective.
Clicking on Repaired opens a window that provides the following:
- Repairing mechanic: Click to select the name of the mechanic who performed the repair.
- Resolution: Select the action taken to repair the defect.
- Work order number: Enter the associated work order for the repair, if available.
- Comments: Enter any additional comments.
- Certification: Click the checkbox to certify the repair has been complete. This must be checked before the repair can be saved.
Asset Inspection and Repair History
This screen opens when you click the asset name in any of the EVIR reports. It displays some basic information about the asset, a list of open defects associated with this specific asset, and a list of any closed defects.
Asset Information
- Asset Number: Displays the asset name as defined in Manage Assets.
- Equipment Type: Displays the asset type as defined in Manage Assets.
- Odometer: Displays the most recently reported odometer value.
Other information may be listed here depending on inspection configurations.
Each listed defect here may be selected and resolved the same way as on the Inspection Defects screen. See Resolutions for more information.
Open and pending defects
Severity: Displays an icon indicating how severe the defect is.
Minor Defects: The defect is a concern, but the vehicle is safe to drive.
Major Defects: The vehicle is not safe to drive until the defect is repaired.
- Inspection: Displays the name of inspection performed. Click to navigate to the Inspection Details screen for that inspection.
- Zone: Displays the asset zone in which the defect was found.
- Component: Displays the defective component.
- Condition: Displays the condition the defective component was found in.
- Last Inspection: Displays the most recent inspection the defect was reported in.
- First Inspection: Displays the earliest inspection the defect was reported in.
Status: Displays the current status of the defect:
- Open: No work has been performed on the defect.
- Pending: Work has been performed, but the defect has not been resolved yet.
- Photos: If any photos are attached, click the down arrow on the defect line to expand and view the photos.
Closed / Ignored Defects
Severity: Displays an icon indicating how severe the defect is.
Minor Defects: The defect is a concern, but the vehicle is safe to drive.
Major Defects: The vehicle is not safe to drive until the defect is repaired.
- Date: Displays the date the defect was repaired
- Inspection: Displays the name of the inspection the defect was reported in. Click to navigate to the Inspection Details screen for that inspection.
- Zone: Displays the asset zone in which the defect was found.
- Component: Displays the defective component.
- Condition: Displays the condition the defective component was found in.
- Mechanic: Displays the name of the mechanic who repaired the defect.
- Notes / Resolution: Displays the selected resolution as well as any comments entered on resolution.