Maps can display detailed current information about a single selected asset, updating live as new data is received.
Accessing Single Asset Live View
- Go to Maps, then click an asset in the asset list.
- When in the single asset History view, click Live at the top of the sidebar.
Single Asset Live View
- Close: Click to return to the asset list and display the entire fleet on the map.
- Live/History: Click to toggle between showing the current status of the selected asset and its path history.
Asset Details: Displays current asset information. Click the down arrow to expand the details, showing additional information about the asset.
Asset name. Click the
icon to display asset details.
Driver name, if known. Hover over the
icon to see what data indicated the known driver.
Click the down arrow to expand the details, showing additional information about the driver. -
Closest address to the asset's location. Click to open Google Maps in a new window centered on this address.
Displays current heading (direction of travel) and speed, if the asset is currently in motion. The icon in the sidebar does not reflect current heading.
Displays when data for this asset was last received.
For electric vehicles, displays the remaining charge in the battery.
Find Nearby Assets: Click to center the map on the five (5) closest assets. The asset tags display the distance from the original asset.
Follow Asset: Enabling this option keeps the map centered on the selected asset's new position each time it updates.