The audit report returns activity for any single asset within one or more zones over a specified date and time range.
A benefit of this report is it shows an itinerary-style view of an asset's activity.
To access the Audit report, from the main menu click Reports, then go to GPS Track & Trace and click Audit.
Filters: Select from the following filters to display only certain events for the asset in the results:
Asset No: Click the drop down menu to select a specific asset.
Zone: To select multiple zones, use “Ctrl” + Click on Windows and “⌘ Command” + Click on Mac and select each zone.
Date Range: Select a beginning date and an ending date as well as a beginning and ending time for the generated report.
Only Include Idle/Stop Times: Select the following values to determine whether the user wants to only include idle/stop times that are longer than selected or shorter than.
Only show stop: Selecting this filter will only display events where the asset stopped within a zone.
Results: Based on the filters, each event is displayed with the corresponding information if applicable:
- Time: The date and time of the event.
- In/Out: Designates if the listed event is when the asset entered or when the asset exited the zone.
- Zone: The zone associated with the event.
- Miles: The number of miles traveled in the trip.
- Trip: The number of miles traveled within the associated zone.
- Idle: If the asset idled, the total amount of time is indicated. Clicking on the time will display the Idle Time report for that event.
This aspect is not used for electric vehicles.
- Stop: If the asset was stopped during a trip, the total duration will be displayed.
- Travel: The amount of time that was spent within the zone. Clicking on the time will display the path report for that event.
- Avg mph: The average speed of the asset within the zone.
- Max mph: The max speed reached within the zone.
- Duration: The total time spent within the zone.
- Elapsed: A running total of time for the asset throughout the day.