This report displays arbitrary data generated during an inspection. The data includes any information that the operator records during an inspection such as fuel, hours, and miles.
A benefit of this report is the ability to track a wide variety of data types.
- To access the Activity screen, from the main menu click Reports, then go to Custom Reports and click Arbitrary Auxiliary Data.
- Filters: Select from the following options, then click Apply to generate a report:
Asset No. | Enter an asset number to generate a report for only that asset, or leave the field empty to search for all assets. |
Location | Select a specific location to generate a report. To search all locations, select All Locations. |
Attribute Filters | Displays characteristics that can be assigned to one or more assets, creating customizable groups. This preset filter can be applied to the report through this drop-down. |
Attributes | Displays the assets that have the specific attributes. |
Show Totals | Check the box to enable a total for mileage and auxiliary items. |
Inspection Type | Select a specific inspection type to generate a report for or leave it on the default All Types option to filter for all inspection types. If there are multiple configuration types configured for the account, a drop-down menu will be available. |
Show Aux | If configured, select from preconfigured auxiliary tag associated with an asset’s item. |
Date Range | Select the desired range from the drop-down menu or select Custom to manually input a date range. |
Show/Hide Columns | Click to select which columns to display. |
Export | Export the visible columns to a CSV file. |
Export Extended | Export all columns, visible and hidden, to a CSV file. |
No. | Row number. |
Asset No. | Click the Asset Info icon to display the available asset information. Clicking on the asset number will display all EVIRs reported for that asset. |
Location | Displays the specific location that is associated with the selected asset. |
Inspection | Displays the date and time of when the inspection was done by the operator. Clicking on the link will open the EVIR. |
Inspection Type | Displays the inspection type that the operator used to complete the inspection. |
Mileage | Displays the mileage for the specified asset within the given date ranges. |
Data Type | Displays the selected data type from the filters; this last column will change when selecting a data type. |