Asset statistics gives a summary of defects and inspection times. This information is based on EVIRs uploaded to Ground Traffic Control. To access the Asset Statistics report from the main menu, click Assets, then go to Assets and click Statistics. The default report includes all data for all assets from the establishment of your account. To apply a filter, start by clicking Filters in the upper right corner.
Filters: Set the filters as needed, then click Generate Report.
Select Yard | Select one or all yards. |
Type | Select one or all types of inspection performed. |
From | Select a date range start. |
To | Select a date range end. |
Show All Results | If the number of returned results is greater than the displayed number, selecting this check box will display all results on one page. |
Use Dates | If specifying a date range in the From and To selectors, ensure this box is checked to use them when generating the report. |
Fleet Inspection Statistics: A comprehensive display of data for all inspections performed on assets meeting the filtered criteria. Clicking on the Maximum or Minimum inspection times will display the associated EVIR. The default displayed without filters is all inspections performed since the establishment of your account. Asset Inspection Statistics: The following information is displayed for each asset that meets the filtered criteria:
No | A sequential number associated with the currently displayed of results. |
Yard No | Clicking on the Info icon will display the available asset information. Clicking on the asset will display all EVIRs reported for that asset. |
Avg | The average inspection time for the asset. |
Max | The longest time spent inspecting the asset. Clicking on the time will display the associated EVIR. |
Min | The shortest time spent inspecting the asset. Clicking on the time will display the associated EVIR. |
Insps | The total number of inspections recorded for the asset. |
Defects | The total number of defects reported for the asset during an inspection. |
Defect Rate | The ratio of Total Defects to Total inspections. |
Note: For this report, the defect rate is calculated using the total number of defects reported divided by the total number of inspections. For example, if an asset has had 1000 inspections performed and a total of 100 defects reported, the defect rate would be (0.10).