To access the View Inspections report, from the main menu click Reports, then go to EVIR Inspection and click View Inspections.
View inspections will display the activity and defects of inspections performed. It will also display information captured by the EVIR device that the inspector may have entered during the inspection, such as fuel level, oil level or other customizable data.
A benefit of this report is it ensures all inspections were done properly and saves you time by easily enabling an easy review of all defects.
Type | Identifies the configuration used when the inspection was performed. If the account is configured with multiple inspection types, select one or more inspection types. Use “Ctrl” + Click on Windows and “⌘ Command” + Click on Mac and select each inspection type. |
Assets | Show only inspections reported for a specific asset, or for all assets. |
Attribute Filter | Displays characteristics that can be assigned to one or more assets, creating customizable groups. This preset filter can be applied to the report through this drop-down Admin Attributes. |
Attributes | Displays the assets that have the specific attribute(s), or all attributes. |
Date Range | Select a range, or enter the start date and end date. |
Select Zone | Filters data to only show EVIRs that have been uploaded within a specific geographic zone. |
Include Only |
Identify inspections that meet the conditions checked: Unrepaired Only: Display inspection reports for assets that have defects, which have not been repaired. Unverified Only: Display inspection reports for assets that have one or more unverified zones. Incomplete Only: Display inspection reports for assets that did not fully complete an inspection. |
Search by Report # | View a specific inspection based on the EVIR number. |
After filtering the report, the EVIRs are returned with the following information:
Date | The date the inspection was performed on. |
Type | Indicates inspection type. |
Status |
Green Indicates no defects reported. Red Indicates one or more critical defects reported. |
Asset No. | Clicking the Asset Info icon will display the available asset information. Clicking on the asset will display all EVIRs reported for that asset. |
Driver | The name of the inspector who performed the inspection. Click on the name to filter the report, showing only inspections performed by that specific inspector. |
Miles | The asset’s odometer value at the time of the inspection. The inspector manually enters the mileage on the 2010 or tablet. |
Duration | Amount of time it took to perform the inspection. From when the inspector logged into 2010 or began the inspection on the tablet until they certified the inspection. |
Defects | Shows the number of open defects and how many of the defects were corrected. Clicking on the count or N/A will display the EVIR, clicking on the defects link will display the open defects report for the asset associated with the EVIR. Format: [Repairs Made] / [Defects Found] 1/1 Indicates a defective condition was reported and repairs have been made. 0/1 Indicates a defective condition was reported and repairs have not been made. 1/2 Indicates two defective conditions were found. Only one defect has been repaired. N/A Indicates that no defects were reported. |
EVIR | Click on the EVIR icon to display the complete inspection details. |
Select one or more EVIRs to print. At the bottom of the results select either ‘standard’ or ‘shop copy’ format, and then click Print. |
Delivery Details
Hovering over the EVIR icon will display the following:
Report | The EVIR report number in the account. |
2010 | The firmware and serial number of the device used to record the EVIR. |
Upload Location | If sent from a vehicle, this will be the GPS ID in that vehicle. If sent from a Reader Download Station, this will be the Upload Location field entered during Configuration. |
Store Time | The time when the driver finished and stored the EVIR. |
Insertion Time | The time when the EVIR is inserted into the Zonar database. |
HDGPS Time | The time when the EVIR is sent from the device to the GPS unit. |
Send Time | The time when the EVIR is sent from the GPS unit to Zonar. |
Location of EVIR | The smallest zone in which the GPS was located at time of transmission, if available. |
EVIR Details
Type | The configuration type selected when the inspection was performed. |
Organization/ Operator | The name of the Ground Traffic Control account owner. |
DOT/NSC No. | DOT (Department of Transportation) No./NSC (National Safety Council) No. Department of Transportation number is issued by the Department of Transportation to a party (individual or company) that is responsible for the overall safety of one or more vehicles. The information is entered upon account creation, if further assistance is needed contact Zonar Customer Support. |
Report No. | EVIR number being viewed, each report is issued a unique number. |
License Plate Number | License plate number of the asset identified at the beginning of the inspection. |
Jurisdiction | The state in which the operator is located. |
Asset No | Unique identifier used within Ground Traffic Control, identified at the beginning of the inspection. Clicking on the asset will display all EVIRs reported for that asset. |
VIN Number | Vehicle Identification Number of the asset identified at the beginning of the inspection. |
MFG | Manufacturer of the asset identified at the beginning of the inspection. |
In Service | Date the asset was brought into service. |
Mileage | The asset’s odometer value at the time of the inspection. The inspector manually enters the mileage on the 2010 or tablet. |
Inspection Date | The date the inspection was performed. |
Inspection Duration | Amount of time it took to perform the inspection. From when the inspector logged into 2010 or began the inspection on the tablet until they certified the inspection. |
Driver ID | The unique driver ID that was read or entered when the inspection was performed. |
Driver Name | Based on the driver ID, the person who performed the inspection. Clicking on the inspectors name will display all EVIRs for that inspector. |
Assigned Asset’s Location | The location filter the asset is assigned to in Ground Traffic Control. |
Location of EVIR | The most recent, valid, GPS point recorded by the GPS unit when the inspection device was placed in the cradle. Clicking on the address or GPS coordinates will display that location on a pop-up map. Clicking on the Info icon will display the address or coordinate information. |
Inspection Details
Zone | The name where the zone tag is located. |
Time | The time when the zone tag was read. Click on the Time column name to display a detailed report including the amount of time spent in each zone. |
Components | Each item listed in the inspection configuration for the specified zone. |
Defects |
Yes indicates a defect was reported in that zone. No indicates a defect was not reported in that zone. |
Verified |
Yes indicates the inspector read the zone tag. No indicates the inspector did not read the zone tag, instead, performed a manual inspection. |
Defects Noted
Zone | The specific zone that contains the defect. |
Component | The item that has the defect. |
Condition | The reason the defect was reported. |
Status |
Green Indicates no defects reported. Yellow Indicates one or more non-critical defects reported. Red Indicates one or more critical defects reported. |
Technician | The person who repaired the defect. |
Repair Date | The date and time the repair(s) were completed. |
Ref. No. | If Vehicle Maintenance Software (VMS) is used, the technician may put the VMS number in this field on the “Open Defects” page. |
Defect ID | The unique ID number Ground Traffic Control provides for the defect. |
Accepting Inspector | The inspector that performs the inspection after the repairs are completed on the asset. This is the third part to the three-part signature requirement. Three Part Signature. First: Inspector who performed the inspection that found the defect. Second: The technician who performed the repair. Third: The accepting inspector. |
Next Inspection Date | The date the accepting inspector uploaded the inspection for the specific asset. |
Print Options
Standard | Includes all EVIR details and opens a new window or tab that is printer friendly. |
Shop Copy | Excludes the specific zone information and only displays repair information in a new window or tab that is printer friendly. |
Print Shop Copies This EVIR Only | Exports a PDF file of the Shop Copy information, which excludes specific zone information. |
Print Shop Copies | Exports a PDF file that includes all EVIRs that contain reported defects that have not been repaired for all assets in the account. |
Print Shop Copies This Asset Only | Exports a PDF file that includes all EVIRs that contain reported defects that have not been repaired for the asset in the current EVIR. |