Users represent persons using Ground Traffic Control. It is encouraged to issue individual people using the system their own unique username and password. Users are assigned roles, which give specific permissions tailored to their job function or needs within Ground Traffic Control. Roles provide consistency in assigning specific or custom permissions.
The Manage menu allows the update, addition, and deactivation of users. To access Admin Users, from the main menu click Manage, then go to System Settings and click Users.
While it is not possible to delete a user from Ground Traffic Control it is possible to set their status to Inactive, which disables their ability to log into the system.
Add a User |
Add a new user to Ground Traffic Control by clicking the link. |
Show Inactive or Show All |
Select the Show Inactive check box to display users who are set to inactive. Select the Show All check box to display all users on one continuous page instead of multiple pages. Click Apply after checking either of these check boxes to update the page. |
Login Name |
The short name that the user will use to log into Ground Traffic Control. The login name is case sensitive and will return an error if entered incorrectly when the user attempts to log into Ground Traffic Control. |
First/Last Name |
This information will be displayed in reports, EVIR repairs, dispatcher configurations, and other places throughout Ground Traffic Control. |
Role |
The role that was assigned when the user was created. |
Active |
Active users have access to log into Ground Traffic Control and will be displayed when reports are run that involve users. Inactive users will be omitted from these areas and will not be able to log into Ground Traffic Control. |
Location |
The Location Filter assigned to the user. Only resources, such as assets, assigned to the specified location will be available to the user. |
Edit |
By clicking on the link, edit the information associated with the user (i.e. username, password, email, etc.). |
Permissions |
Edit the user’s permissions within Ground Traffic Control by clicking on the link. |
Add a User
Click Add a User to open the form that lets you create a new Ground Traffic Control user. You can add individual users one at a time, or add more than one user simultaneously by importing a CSV file.
New User Details
Enter the following in the Login Information section:
First Name |
(Required) The user’s first name as it should appear on EVIRs and other locations of Ground Traffic Control. The First Name can be up to 32 characters in length. |
Last Name |
(Required) The user’s last name as it should appear on EVIRs and other locations of Ground Traffic Control. The Last Name can be up to 32 characters in length. |
(Required) An email address the user has access to. This email address would be used for retrieving/resetting the user’s password and as a recipient for ZAlerts. |
Password |
(Required) Passwords must be at least six characters in length. |
Confirm Password |
(Required) Re-enter the password to ensure accuracy. |
Enter the following in the API Sign-on section:
Login Name |
(Required)(Must be unique in the account) The name that the user will use to log into Ground Traffic Control. It is recommended that an all lower-case name be used; this field is case sensitive at the time of log in. The Login Name can be up to 32 characters in length. |
Enter the following in the Ground Traffic Control Settings section:
Role |
Select a role that best fits the new user. This will define the permissions that are granted for the user upon initial creation. |
Active |
If the user needs to log into Ground Traffic Control, their active status must be set to “Y” (yes). A user that is set to “N” (no) will not appear in reports, dashboards, or be able to log into Ground Traffic Control. |
Location |
(Required) Select the location filter the user should be associated with. |
User Location Filter |
Select the location the user will be allowed to view. This will filter assets, drivers, and users that are set to that specific location. If a user needs to view all locations set the filter to “All Locations.” |
Attribute Filter |
Select the attribute filter the user will be allowed to view. This will filter the assets, which are part of that specific attribute filter. No others will be displayed in the user’s report queries. |
Display Count |
Select the number of results to be displayed by default in Ground Traffic Control reports. |
Report Time Zone |
Select the time zone in which the user’s reports will be displayed. |
Use a CSV file
Create or update multiple users via CSV file.
CSV File |
When importing new users or updating existing users, use Choose File to select the CSV file. |
Update Users |
When uploading a CSV file, users that already exist within Ground Traffic Control can be updated by checking this box prior to importing their updates contained in a CSV file. |
Exclude Header Row |
If the CSV file being uploaded has a header row, checking this check box will ignore that row, which would cause an error otherwise. |
Load File |
After choosing the CSV file and, if necessary, setting Update Users and Exclude Header Row, click the Load File button. If a user cannot be imported, a message will be displayed above the Load Users from CSV file dialogue box. |
Download CSV Template |
For convenience, clicking on the download CSV template link will download a CSV file with all of the necessary columns in the correct order. |
CSV Formatting
CSV columns need to be in the following order:
- Login Name (Required)
- First Name (Required)
- Last Name (Required)
- Password (Required)
- Active (Required)(Must be Yes or No)
- Location Name
- User Role (Required)
Attribute Filters, Display Count, and Report Time Zone can be imported through the CSV file.
If the CSV file contains a header row, ensure the Exclude Header Row checkbox is checked prior to loading the file. This will ensure that the users are imported and the header row will not cause an error with the import.
Edit User
Once a user has been created within Ground Traffic Control, they cannot be deleted. The information can be updated and the user can be hidden by setting their Active status to No, which will hide them from reports and prohibit them from logging in.
Click edit to update the existing user details. The Edit User screen has the same fields as Add a New User including the following:
- Login Information (First Name, Last Name, and Email)
- API Sign-on (Login Name)
- Ground Traffic Control Settings (Role, Active, Location, User Location Filter, Attribute Filter, Display Count, and Report Time Zone)
Some important things to remember when editing the fields:
- Login Name: It is not possible to update the Login Name when the user currently logged in is the same as the one to be edited. Log out and then log back in using a different user to change.
- Role: It is not possible to update the Role when the user currently logged in is the same as the one to be edited. Log out and then log back in using a different user to change.
- Active: It is not possible to update the Active status when the user currently logged in is the same as the one to be edited. Log out and then log back in using a different user to change.
Reset Password
Zonar administrators are not allowed to update the single sign-on password for a user. Instead, the administrator clicks a button on the Edit User screen to send a password reset email to the user. However, Zonar administrators can reset a password for Zonar API, FieldView, or users who opt out of the new GTC.
Due to these differences in password administration, the legacy GTC password can get out of sync with the single sign-on password for new GTC.
To reset a user password for GTC, click Request Single Sign-On Password Request on the Edit User screen under Login Information. The user will receive an email with a link to reset their password. A notification will be sent back to the administrator telling them whether or not the password was updated.
To reset a user password for Zonar API, FieldView, or legacy GTC, click Reset Password on the Edit User screen under API Sign-on.
The reset password page will open.
New Password |
Enter the temporary password for the user to access Ground Traffic Control. It is recommended that the user then change their password to something they will remember. |
Confirm New Password |
Re-enter the password that was entered into the New Password field. |
User Roles
Understanding the Ground Traffic Control user permissions can help focus users on the areas that they are responsible for. Allowing or disallowing a user to see functions or buttons throughout the system can increase its effectiveness.
When a user is created, they can be given a specific role. For example, Ground Traffic Control’s default roles are; Admin, Dispatcher, Mech, OMI, and User. Each of these roles contains pre-defined permissions based on the user’s responsibility. Additional roles can also be created and applied to users.
To access User Roles, from the main menu click Manage, then go to System Settings and click User Roles.
Roles allow for consistent permissions assignment for multiple users in Ground Traffic Control. Roles are treated as templates for creating new users. It is critical to understand that when a user is created, they are assigned the permissions based on the role at the time of creation.
If a role’s permissions are updated after a user has been created, it will NOT update the existing users assigned to that role.
To update users with the specific role being updated, before clicking Update Profile, ensure that the check box next to Update permissions for all users with the user role: is checked.
This will then update all users with that role when Update Profile is clicked.
- New Role Name: To begin creating a new role, enter its name and click Add. The new role will not have any permissions set.
- Permissions: Click the permissions link to adjust the permissions for the role.
- Duplicate: Click the duplicate link to duplicate the specific role. The new role will have all of the same permissions.
- Rename: Rename an existing role. Roles must have a unique name.
- Delete: Clicking delete will delete the specific role only if no users are currently assigned. The warning page will give the option to change those users’ roles and allow deletion.
Permissions Defined
Ground Traffic Control defines permission as an “action” that is either added or removed from a specific user. Each permission affects specific functions, menu buttons, data, and user abilities throughout the system. While a user might have permission to view a report, some of the data may be omitted or unavailable if the associated permission is not added to that user’s account.
Permissions set for the default roles:
Permission |
Admin |
Mech |
User |
addrepair |
X |
X |
X |
adminaccountconfig |
X |
adminalerting |
X |
adminassets |
X |
adminattributeassign |
X |
adminattributeefilters |
adminattributes |
X |
adminauxdata |
X |
adminbadreportlog |
X |
adminexpiredates |
X |
adminhos |
adminhosdispatch |
adminlocations |
X |
adminmechanic |
X |
adminmessage |
X |
adminoperators |
X |
adminrepairnotes |
X |
X |
adminroutes |
X |
adminusers |
X |
adminzpass |
alerting |
X |
assignmechanic |
X |
X |
attributefilters |
X |
clearbadreportlog |
X |
editposition |
X |
editsystememessage |
X |
extgetrepairusers |
X |
X |
getlinkurl |
positionunithealth |
X |
hosdispatch |
X |
hoseditlogs |
hosnodriver |
hospending |
hosreports |
hosviewlogs |
positionactivity |
positionaudit |
positiongeocode |
positionidlestop |
positionlocation |
positionloi |
positionmileage |
positionoverlap |
positionpath |
positionschedule |
positionspeed |
positionstopgo |
positionztrak |
showattributes |
X |
showevents |
X |
showexpire |
X |
X |
X |
showopen |
X |
X |
X |
X |
showposition |
X |
showrevokedops |
X |
X |
showstats |
X |
X |
X |
X |
twentytwenty |
X |
userprefs |
X |
X |
viewztraknotifications |
viewzonarcoach |
X |
viewbadreportlog |
X |
Each Ground Traffic Control menu item is controlled by a permission, with the exception of a basic set of functions, which are available to a user that has not been given any permissions. These menu items are:
- Dashboard: Critical Defects Today widget.
- Reports: Zing, Asset Utilization, Diagnostics, ZPass
- Drivers: Configure Thresholds
- Assets: Redboard
- User Settings: My Password
Menu buttons and their associated permissions:
Menu Location |
Sub-Menu/ Section |
Item |
Permission |
Special |
Admin |
Selecting any item under Admin will activate the Admin menu |
Assets |
Manage |
adminassets |
Custom Fields |
adminassets |
Radio Address/GPS |
adminassets |
Subtypes |
adminassets |
Attributes |
Manage |
adminattributes |
Asset Attributes |
adminattributeassign |
Although this box is checked, the “Attributes” menu will not display until adminattributes is selected. |
Attribute Filters |
attributefilters |
Although this box is checked, the “Attributes” menu will not display until adminattributes is selected. |
Auxiliary Data |
Manage |
adminauxdata |
Add Aux. Item |
adminauxdata |
Add Aux. Type |
adminauxdata |
Auxiliary Types |
adminauxdata |
Drivers |
Manage |
adminoperators |
Add |
adminoperators |
Custom Fields |
adminoperators |
Dispatcher Admin |
adminhos |
Expiry |
New Manage Expiry |
No permission associated |
Manage |
adminexpiredates |
Add |
adminexpiredates |
Locations |
Manage |
adminlocations |
Add |
adminlocations |
Logs |
Alert Messages |
viewbadreportlog |
Application Events |
viewbadreportlog |
Asset Admin |
viewbadreportlog |
Failed Actions |
viewbadreportlog |
Failed Inspections |
viewbadreportlog |
Failed Logins |
viewbadreportlog |
Sessions |
viewbadreportlog |
ZonarCom Events |
viewbadreportlog |
Misc. Admin |
Selecting any one of the permissions will activate this menu. |
Event Alerts |
userprefs |
Input Labels |
adminaccountconfig |
Password Settings |
adminaccountconfig |
Safety Message |
editsystemmessage |
Repair Notes |
Manage |
adminrepairnotes |
Add |
adminrepairnotes |
Routes |
Manage |
adminroutes |
Add |
adminroutes |
Users |
Manage |
adminusers |
Add |
adminusers |
User Roles |
adminusers |
ZAlerts |
Selecting either Manage or View will activate this menu. |
Manage |
adminalerting |
View |
alerting |
Zones |
Manage Zones |
editposition positionloi |
Add Zone Category |
editposition |
Zone Categories |
editposition |
Assets |
Auxiliary Items |
showopen |
New Expiry Report |
showexpire |
Expiry |
showexpire |
Red Board |
No permission associated |
Statistics |
showstats |
View |
adminassets |
Adding this permission will allow for Editing. |
Manage Expiry Types |
adminexpiredates adminassets |
adminexpiredates enables the button adminassets provides access |
Drivers |
Expiry |
showexpire |
Revoked |
showrevokedops |
Statistics |
showstats |
Times |
eventtimes |
View |
showopen |
Driver Performance |
adminalerting |
Configure Thresholds |
adminalerting |
Reports |
GPS Track & Trace |
Enabled by one or more of the following permissions. |
Activity |
positionactivity |
Audit |
positionaudit |
GPS Timecard |
showstats |
GPS Units |
showopen |
GPS Unit Health |
positionunithealth |
Idle Time |
positionidlestop |
Location |
positionlocation |
Mileage |
positionmileage |
Mileage By State |
positionmileage |
Odometer |
showopen |
Overlap Path |
positionoverlap |
Sometimes called “Overlap.” |
Path |
positionpath |
Schedule |
positionschedule |
Speed |
positionspeed |
Stop Time |
positionidlestop |
ZTrak |
positionztrak |
EVIR Inspection |
Fleet Statistics |
showstats |
GPS Track Missing |
showopen |
Incomplete |
showopen |
Inspection Ack |
ackinsp |
Inspection Cost |
showopen |
Inspections |
showopen |
Latest Inspection |
showopen |
EVIR Mileage |
showstats |
Missing |
showstats |
Missing Insp. PTO |
showposition |
Default, but calling a permission |
Unverified |
showopen |
View Inspections |
showopen |
Fuel, Diagnostics & Usage |
Asset Utilizations |
No permission associated |
Diagnostics |
No permission associated |
Fuel and Oil |
showopen |
GPS Engine |
showstats |
Jbus Fuel Path |
showposition |
Trip Report |
showposition |
ZLogs |
Live Status |
hosviewlogs |
Driver Logs |
hosviewlogs |
Driver Availability |
hosreports |
Unresolved Logs |
hospending |
ZPass/Rider Tracking |
Passenger Count |
showopen |
ZPass |
No permission associated |
Custom Reports |
Arbitrary/Aux. Data |
showopen |
Asset Times |
eventtimes |
Auxiliary Report |
showopen |
Auxiliary Expiry |
showexpire |
Input Module |
showopen |
J3 Files Download |
showposition |
Plow/Sweep |
showposition |
Enabled by default, but requires a permission |
PTO Engine Hours |
showopen |
SDOT Plow/Sweep |
showposition |
Enabled by default, but requires a permission |
User Settings |
Attribute Filter |
userprefs |
Display Count |
userprefs |
Event Alerts |
userprefs |
Location Filter |
userprefs |
My Email |
userprefs |
My Password |
No permission associated |
My Permissions |
userprefs |
My Timezone |
userprefs |
Routes or Assets |
userprefs |
Zoom |
Compliance Insights | hosreports |
There are some instances when a user has the ability to run a report such as “GPS Timecard;” however, if the permission “showopen” is not enabled for that user’s account, they will not see the “Asset” for each entry and the operator will not display as a link, linking to the inspections for the user associated with the entry.
There are also a number of permissions that do not affect the Ground Traffic Control menu button. However, when added, they give the user the ability to perform specific tasks.
The permissions and their function(s) are as follows:
Permission |
Description |
adminbadreportlog |
Allows the user to delete failed inspections by adding a “delete” check box to the right side of the list. |
showattributes |
Displays the attribute drop-down used for filtering when running a report. |
adminmech |
Administer Mechanics through the API |
adminattributefilters |
Allows the creation and editing of filters; allows an administrator to assign owners to a filter and disallow other users from seeing them. |
clearbadreportlog |
Shows the “Clear entries older than” button which allows a user to delete “Failed Actions,” Failed Log-ins,” and Sessions. |
positiongeocode |
Gives the user the ability to geocode addresses. |
adminmessage |
Allows your users to send messages using Zing – GPS Messaging |
showfocus |
Route Replay, PvA, Ontime. Related to a specific account. |
positiontopgo |
GPS Stop and Go Report. Related to a specific account |
viewztraknotifications |
Displays the number of Ztrak units that have a remaining battery life of 5% or less in the “Notifications” section of the dashboard and other pages throughout Ground Traffic Control. |
viewzonarcoach |
View Zonar Coach report. |
addrepair |
Allows a user to add a Repair Record if the user also has the “showopen” permission. This permission also adds the user to the “Technician” drop-down, allowing them to be assigned to a repair. Also allows the user to enter their own repairs. |
assignmechanic |
Allows the user to repair a defect if they also have the “showopen” permission. This permission also allows a user to certify that any user with the “addrepair” permission has repaired a defect or deficiency or that no repair was required. |
extgetrepairusers |
Get repair users. Used by the API to get lists of users with the ability to repair defects. |
getlinkurl |
Allows the creation of direct links through API. |
showevents |
Associated with ZPass, allowing the user to populate the data in a “User Sessions Log.” |
twentytwenty |
Actions used by the Connect device. Deprecated. |
hosdispatch |
Allows a user to be designated a dispatcher, have drivers assigned to them, and allows messaging to those drivers. |
hoseditlogs |
This permission also gives the user the same permissions as “hosviewlogs” and allows the user to add or edit a driver’s logs. It also allows the user to approve pending edits and assign drivers to unassigned logs. |
hosreports |
This permission activates Zoom > Compliance Insights, enabling ELD HOS reports. |
adminhos |
While access is granted to all of the Zonar Logs pages, they are unable to edit logs. |
Updating User Permissions
A Ground Traffic Control administrator user can update the permissions associated with other users. There are two ways of updating permissions:
- Update all users with the same role.
- Update a single user’s individual permissions.
To update a single user’s permissions, click the settings link next to the user on the Admin Users screen.
If a user has a specific permission, there will be a check box for it in the REMOVE column. If a user does not have a specific permission, there will be a check box in the ADD column. To add a permission to the user, select the ADD check box for each permission to be added and then click Update User.
To remove a permission from the user, select the REMOVE check box for each permission to be removed and then click Update User.
To add and remove multiple permissions from the user; select the applicable check boxes (ADD or REMOVE) and then click Update User.