Edit Input Labels
Displays the current input labels, which are used to identify discrete IOs that are connected to a particular part of the asset. Label inputs are numerically labeled and are associated with the corresponding colors as described on the label. To access the Input Labels, from the main menu click Manage, then go to Assets and click Input Labels.
Color | Input Label |
Black | Input |
Brown | Input |
Orange | Input |
Yellow | Input |
Red | Input |
Note: Input labels are used for all assets associated with the account. Ensure that 1-5 are connected to the same corresponding sources on each asset.
Edit Zonar Safety Message
Enter a message that will be displayed on the 2010 screen when the operators login to do an inspection. A maximum of 18 characters per line is allowed. To access the Zonar Safety Message, from the main menu click Manage, then go to Monitor and click Safety Message.
Manage Event Alerts
This interface allows the user to set up email notifications about a specific asset, or a number of assets, which meet the requirements that are set up for a specified event alert. These types of alerts are usually set up for when an asset records a critical or non-critical defect.
Note: Only the person who set up an event alert can edit that event alert. To access Manage Event Alerts, from the main menu click Manage, then go to Monitor and click Manage Alerts.
Add an Event | Click Add an Event to create a new event. |
Address | Displays the email address of where the events will be sent. |
Test | Clicking on the test link will send a test message to the specified address to ensure that the events were set properly. |
Edit | Clicking on edit link will display the Add an Event window with the current options for the specified alert, giving the ability to modify it. |
Delete | Clicking the delete link will delete the specified event alert settings and the address it is associated with. |
Add an Event
To add an event, from the main menu click Manage, then go to Monitor and click Manage Alerts. Click Add an Event to create a new event.
Email Address | Where the event notification will be sent. Typically, this is an email address OR if the option for a text message is selected then a cell phone number must be entered. |
Message to send | Displays the body of the message that will be sent to the specified address. A typed message may be entered by the user and the use of dynamic preset text can be inserted into the message: Status: Displays Green, Yellow, or Red, which pertains to the status of the inspection event that triggered the alert. Asset: Displays the given name or number associated to an asset. Exsid: Displays an optional ID associated with the asset. Operator: Displays the operator that completed the inspection. Defects: Displays the zone(s) that have reported defects. Date: Displays the time and date of the alert. URL: Displays a link that can be clicked on to view the EVIR. |
Text Messaging Mode (Shorten Messages for SMS) | Checking this box will enable the option to have alerts sent to your phone. Show Unverified: Select this option to receive an event alert on unverified EVIRs. Show Incomplete: Select this option to receive an event alert on Incomplete EVIRs. |
Send Notifications for these drivers | Select from the following options to have to receive a notification from the specified operators: All Drivers: Check the box next to this option to receive notifications on all operators. Selected Drivers: Select individual operators from the list or to select multiple use “Ctrl” + Click on Windows and “⌘ Command” + Click on Mac and select each operator. |
Send Notifications for reports with selected status | Yellow – EVIRs with non-critical defects reported will trigger an alert. Red – EVIRs with critical defects reported will trigger an alert. Green – EVIRs with no defects were reported will trigger an alert. |
Send Notifications for reports with selected asset(s) | Select from the following to receive notifications based upon the asset(s). All: Check the box next to this option to receive a notification of all assets. Selected Assets: To select multiple assets, use “Ctrl” + Click on Windows and “⌘ Command” + Click on Mac and select each asset. |
Send Notifications for reports with selected upload location(s) | Select from the following to receive notifications based upon the specified upload locations: All: Check the box next to this option to receive a notification of all upload locations. Selected Locations: To select multiple upload locations, use “Ctrl” + Click on Windows and “⌘ Command” + Click on Mac and select each upload location. |
Send Notifications for reports from assets assigned to selected location(s) | Select from the following to receive notifications to assets associated with specific locations: All Locations: Check the box next to this option to receive notifications to all locations. Selected Locations: To select multiple locations, use “Ctrl” + Click on Windows and “⌘ Command” + Click on Mac and select each location. |
Select Notifications for reports when the GPS position at the time of upload was inside one of these zones | Select individual zones from the list or to select multiple use “Ctrl” + Click on Windows and “⌘ Command” + Click on Mac and select each zone. |
Send Notifications for reports with selected component(s) | Select from the following to receive notifications when the following components are in question: All: Check the box next to this option to receive notifications on all of the components. Selected Components: To select multiple components, use “Ctrl” + Click on Windows and “⌘ Command” + Click on Mac and select each component. |
Include PDF of EVIR in email | Checking the box next to this option will send a PDF file of the EVIR along with the specified notifications. |
Account Password Settings
Allows Administrative users to set password requirements for all users that are logging into Ground Traffic Control. To access Account Password Settings, from the main menu click Manage, then go to System Settings and click Password Settings.
Enable Password Settings | Check the box next to this option to enable password settings and then select from the following requirements a password must contain |
Require Lower Alpha | The user’s password must contain at least one lower-case letter from the alphabet. |
Require Upper Alpha | The user’s password must contain at least one upper-case letter from the alphabet. |
Require Numeric | The user’s password must contain at least one numeral. |
Require Non-AlphaNumeric | The user’s password must contain at least one non-alphanumeric symbols. |
No Dictionary Words | The user’s password cannot contain any common words. Instead, only a combination of letters and numbers is allowed. |
Not Same As Login | The user’s password cannot be the same as their login name. |
No Repeat Sequence | The user’s password cannot have a repeating sequence of letters or numbers. |