The Stop Time report returns assets based on Stop Events, which are defined as the time from a power-off to a power-on engine state. During these events, the engine will have been in an “Engine Off” status. The report returns the duration of each powered off event.
A benefit of this report is that it shows when and where your vehicles are parked.
To access the Stop Time report, on the main menu, click Reports, and under GPS Track & Trace, select Stop Time.
If you know the zone for which you want to search, expand the Jump to Zone dropdown menu and select the zone, or if you know the zone address enter it in the text field, and then click Search.
To define filter criteria, click Filter, define the following criteria to narrow the assets returned in the results, and then click Generate Report:
Asset No | Expand the list and select to return one specific asset or select All Assets. |
Stops Occurring | The default selection is set to no zone is selected and stops occurring anywhere. If you select a zone, this will show/hide powered off events: Anywhere – Power off events that occurred anywhere outside the specified zone. Not In – Power off events that occurred anywhere except the selected zone (must specify one zone). Within – Power off events that occurred within a specific zone (must specify one zone) |
Except | To define an exception, expand this dropdown menu and select a zone from the list. |
Attribute Filters | Expand to select a custom-define attribute filter group to further refine our results. |
Select Attributes | Expand to select a custom-define attribute to further refine our results. |
Date Range | Define a date range for which to search. |
Only include Times | Define a Longer than and Shorter than period, and then select the duration of time (in Hours, Minutes, and Seconds) that the power off events must have been Longer than or Shorter than to include in the report. |
Show Inactive Assets | Select this option to include inactive assets in your search results. |
Show All Assets | Select this option to include ALL assets in your search results. |
The search results table displays the following based on your filter criteria:
Asset No. | The asset that is being reported. Click Info ![]() |
Stop Count | The number of times the asset stopped which, in this report, is a power off event. |
Max Stop | The longest power off event recorded for the asset. Click a Max Stop link, and a pin is dropped on the map indicating the Max Stop location. Hover your mouse over the stop-pin on the map to view the Stop Details popup window, displaying the specifics for that event including asset and total time. Learn more about using maps in GTC. |
Max Stop Zone | The zone in which the longest power off event occurred. |
Total Stop | The total time the asset was powered off during the time and date you specified in the filter. |
All Details | Click this column header to display all power off events for all assets: Alternatively, click the View All link next to a specific asset to display the complete list of events for that specific asset. Both lists enable you to find the reverse geo-code for the location the event occurred. At the top of the Address column, click Get Addresses.![]() |
To export the Stop Time data to a CSV file (spreadsheet), in the bottom-left corner of the results table, click Excel .