Ground Traffic Control uses zones for several functions, including alerts and for filtering reports. A zone is either an area you define, or pre-loaded areas that outline US state boundaries. A zone can also be referred to as a Location of Interest or a Geo-fence.
The Zones page lets you define custom areas, related parameters, and associated categories. For example, you can create custom zones around your maintenance facilities, vehicle depots, or any location where you anticipate vehicle activity on a regular basis. You can view existing zones, add, remove, and edit zones based on specific uses.
To access Zones, from the main menu click Manage, then go to System Settings and click Zones.
For information on map controls, visit the Map Overview topic.
In the top-right corner, click Filters to show/hide the right-side menu. Click one of the following tabs to define custom zone parameters.
Use the Create tab to select a drawing tool, draw the zone boundaries on the map, and define a zone name and category. Or Click Manage Categories to add a new category for this zone. Create zones by drawing one of three shapes over a location on the map and saving it.
On the Create tab, select one the drawing tools. You create zones by drawing one of three shapes over a location on the map and saving it.
Zonar Systems suggests using the Polygon drawing tool.
Prior to saving your zone, AVOID clicking on another tool. Clicking another tool will reset the map and erase your zone in progress.
Polygon (free-form) drawing tool
- Click the polygon drawing tool.
- Click on the map where you want to start your zone boundary.
- Move your mouse, clicking OFTEN along the boundary line so you leave anchor points along the line. Providing several anchor points will enable easier editing (moving anchor points) in the future. You cannot delete anchor points, only move them.
- Once you have finished defining your boundary, right-click the mouse to exit the polygon tool mode.
- Name your zone, and then click Save.
Radius Drawing Tool
- Click the circle drawing tool.
- Click on the map where you want your zone.
- In the Radius text box enter the radius in feet. You can only enter this value in feet, so perform conversions prior to entering this value.
- Name your zone, select a category (default is GENERAL), and then click Save. You can also define a new category for this zone. To verify your zone, click the Edit tab, and then select your new zone from the list.
Line Drawing Tool
The Line tool is useful for defining a driveway, or threshold zones where your vehicles cross a specific point.
Line zones are only available in select reports.
- Click the line drawing tool.
- Click on the map to set your point A.
- move your mouse, and then click on the map again to set your point B.
- Name your zone, select a category (default is GENERAL), and then click Save. You can also define a new category for this zone.
Use the Edit tab to change and/or delete existing zones, and then set the Available Layers to display GPS Zones on the map.
- Click the Edit tab, expand the Zone drop-down menu, and select a zone from the list that you want to change. The zone boundary appears on the map.
- Do any of the following:
- Click and drag the anchor points on the map to redraw the zone boundary lines.
- Rename the zone.
- Expand the Category drop-down menu and select a new category from the list. You can also define a new category for this zone.
- Click Save.
- Or, to delete a zone, expand the Zone drop-down menu, select a zone from the list, and then click Delete.
When deleting zones, there is no warning or way to recover the zone.
Use the On Time tab to define arrival/departure time schedules for your zone. This is useful for tracking fleets with strict timetables; for example, school or metro buses.
The On Time feature is optional. Contact Zonar Systems if you want to enable this feature.
- To adjust an existing zone, click the On Time tab, choose a zone from the Select a zone to schedule drop-down list, or create a new zone, and then click Add.
- Define an Arrival/Departure time, click Add to add another schedule (optional), and then click Save. Click to delete a schedule.
- Once you have configured the Arrival and Departure times, click Reports, and under GPS Track & Trace select Schedule, and then from the View Schedule By drop-down list, select On Time from the list. The Report Type 3 – On Time schedule appears.
Use the Export tab to export your zones to a CSV file to retain, archive, or share custom zones. The zones are geometric shapes in EWKT (Extended Well-Known Text) format.
Click the Export tab, select an option from the Select Zones to export drop-down menu, and then click Export. You can export all zones, a single zone, or a single category of zones. A CSV file downloads to your computer with your selected zone information.
Use the Import tab to import multiple zones using a CSV file that follows a specific format. Select the CSV file containing the properly formatted zones, and then upon import do one of the following:
- Insert New—Selecting this option will only import zones that have unique names from those already in Ground Traffic Control.
- Overwrite—Selecting this option will import all zones contained in the CSV. Those with same names as those already in Ground Traffic Control will be overwritten.
- Purge—Selecting this option will remove all zones within Ground Traffic Control prior to importing.
Import CSV Specifications
A properly formatted CSV file must adhere to the following guidelines to ensure a complete import:
- Each line of the file is considered one zone and each zone has four values separated by commas. If a value, such as the zone name, contains a comma then the whole value should be placed within quotes. For example, if the zone name is Houston, Texas then the name in the CSV file needs to be “Houston, Texas.”
- The four values of each zone must be in the following order:
- Zone Name (Required)—The name appears throughout Ground Traffic Control. If the zone name contains a comma, you must enclose the name in quotation marks; for example, if the zone name is Houston, Texas then the name in the CSV file must be entered as, “Houston, Texas.”
- Zone address, geometry or LAT LONG values (Required)— The address you enter is geo-coded to the closest point (if multiple matches are found, it will use the first match only). This point is converted to a circle geometry with a default radius of 50 feet. You can select a different radius value by entering it as the forth value for your zone in the CSV file (for example, “100” or “1500”). Use the following REQUIRED formats:
Address | “address: [street address], [city/county], [state abbreviation]”
“address: [street address], [state abbreviation]” Use a complete address, separating the street, city/county, and state using commas. The whole entry must be in quotation marks (‘” “). IMPORTANT: To avoid errors, you must use proper abbreviations for state and/or providence. EXAMPLE: "ZoneName","address:1207 Douglas St, Victoria, BC","ZoneCategoryName",100 |
Geometry | Used to specify the shape of the zone (must meet the EWKT specifications). The EWKT format enables importing of specific geometric shapes, such as polygons and lines. When you export zones, they will be exported using this format. Consult the following format examples:
· Polygon: "SRID=4326;POLYGON((-122.29719108739 47.4284242347467 0,-122.291106501818 47.4284672449766 0,-122.29066283412 47.4241015262782 0,-122.297412921239 47.4243165948439 0,-122.29719108739 47.4283812244814 0,-122.29719108739 47.4284242347467 0))" · Line: "SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-121.786783091431 47.8866746148795 0,-121.240121106438 48.2689347933031 0)" EXAMPLE: "ZoneName","SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-121.786783091431 47.8866746148795 0,-121.240121106438 48.2689347933031 0)","ZoneCategoryName",0 · Point (User with Radius) "SRID=4326;POINT(-121.786783091431 47.886674614879 0)","1000" Notes: When creating a “Polygon” the first and last points must be an exact match. SRID=4326 is used to denote the LONG/LAT mapping projection. EXAMPLE: “ZoneName”,”LONG: -122.330287 LAT: 47.603239″,”ZoneCatagoryName”,20000 |
Lat & Long | Begin this format using either the text “LAT:” or “LONG:” and both LAT and LONG values must be present, and they should be separated with a space. A zone entered in this format is converted into circle geometry with a default radius of 50 feet. Specify a different radius value by entering it as the forth value for the zone in the CSV file (for example, “100” or “1500”).
Examples of valid LAT LONG values: “LONG: -122.29719108739 LAT: 47.4284242347467” |
3. Zone category (Optional): If the name entered matches a zone category already in Ground Traffic Control, the zone will be assigned to it. If the category does not exist or is left blank, the zone is imported with no category assigned.
4. Zone radius (Optional): Used for geo-coded addresses and LAT/LONG values.
Zone Categories
Zone categories provide two benefits to managing and utilizing zones: grouping zone names in dropdown menus through Ground Traffic Control, and color coding zones on the map.
There are several system categories that you cannot alter or delete. System Category indicates these categories in the Edit column.
- From the Zones Filter window, on the Create tab, under Category, click manage categories. Or, click the Manage menu, and then under System Settings click Zone Categories.
The table displays Zone Count assigned to this category, and you can edit/delete a category. Note: When a category is labeled, System Category, you cannot change/delete it.
- To add a new category, in the top-left corner click Add a Category, and then do the following:
a. In Category Name, enter a unique name.
b. Expand Is Category Visible? drop-down, and select Yes.
c. Expand Locations drop-down and select a site from the list.
d. Click the Color Picker and choose a color. All zones assigned to the category will appear on the map using the same color.
e. Click Save Zone Category.
- To change an existing category, click Edit in the category row you want to change, make your changes, and then click Update Zone Category.
- To delete an existing category, click Delete in the category row.