Q: Can I reuse a Zonar RFID Driver/Operator Card?
A: We discourage the reuse of Driver/Operator cards due to the possibility of overwriting inspection records and other undesired results which can occur when cards are reused.
We suggest that you issue a new card for each new driver or operator.
Q: Which card printer is best to use with Zonar RFID cards?
A: Zonar does not recommend any particular brand or model of card printer. However, any card printer which mentions one of the following physical standards should be suitable for use with Zonar RFID cards:
- ISO-7811 ID-1
- CR80
- Exact physical dimensions:
- Length: 85.60 mm (3.375 inches)
- Width: 53.98 mm (2.125 inches)
- Thickness: 30 mil (0.003 inches) - note that mil is not equivalent to mm or millimeters
If you are purchasing pre-punched cards, ensure your choice of printer is able to work with punched card.
If your printer does not work with punched cards, you may order non-punched cards and punch them after printing according to the ISO Puncture Guidelines.
Q: If a driver loses their operator card, what should be done?
A: Issue a new card and update the driver's entry in Ground Traffic Control with the new card number.
Q: My company uses ELD tablets and a driver lost their operator card. Are we out of compliance?
A: No. Zonar-provided operator cards are not required for compliance per FMCSA regulations. A new card may be issued, or the driver may manually type the card number (if known) into the tablet.