If the RCA Connector on the Zonar Power Serial Cable is not used on a vehicle, it should be insulated with heat-shrink tubing to prevent accidental contact with metal surfaces.
Materials and Tools
- ½ in. heat-shrink tubing
- Small torch or heat gun
- Zip ties
- Cutters
- Locate the RCA connector on the Zonar power serial cable.
- Slip the heat-shrink tubing over the RCA connector. Make sure the extra tubing extends equally over each end of the RCA connector.
- Heat the entire length of the tubing with the torch until it seals completely around the RCA connector.
The torch flame can melt the tubing or cable with prolonged exposure. Use the flame carefully during this step. The tubing may be hot to the touch--use a tool or gloves when sealing the heated tubing.
- Pinch the end of the tubing to make sure it is sealed. When properly sealed, nothing should be able to contact the RCA connector.
- Secure the RCA cable to the other cables in the power serial cable assembly with zip ties.
- Secure the cable bundle to the vehicle with zip ties in a location with minimal impact to the vehicle and protection from extreme environmental exposure.
For installation best practices and cable location, refer to the installation guide.