The Electronic Verified Inspection Reporting for the Tab Active tablets uses NFC tags to enable component inspection in specific zones. This EVIR version (1.5) is only available on the Samsung Tab Active tablets.
If you are using EVIR Mobile on a non-managed phone or device, refer to the EVIR Mobile User Guide.
Distracted Driving Warning
Do not use this device while the vehicle is in motion or in any other driving
situation. Using the device while driving can create dangerous situations where the
driver may not be focused on the road or task at hand.
EVIR Home Screen
New Inspection – This tab displays information relevant to the asset the tablet was
previously docked in. - History – This tab displays the inspection history of all assets inspected with this tablet.
Inspection Types – This tab allows the operator to favorite the inspections they use most
and check for updates to the installed inspection configurations. -
Current Asset – This button will bring up the profile of the current asset associated with
the GPS device the tablet is docked in; including asset number, manufacturer, tag
number, VIN and asset type. -
Last Inspection – This provides a snapshot of information relevant to the last inspection,
such as if the asset is safe to drive or in need of repair. If a defect is creating a yellow or red
status, a total number of reported defects will be displayed. - Start Inspection – This begins the inspection process.
Flashlight – This allows the operator to turn on the LED flashlight located on the left side
of the tablet.
Start an Inspection
- Log in to the tablet.
- Access the EVIR application by tapping the EVIR symbol on the tablet home screen or
toolbar. - From the EVIR home screen, tap Start New Inspection.
Choose Inspection Type
- Select the type of inspection to perform.
- Tap Continue.
Inspect the Vehicle
Scan the Asset Tag
When the NFC scanner on the tablet is active, scan the asset tag on the asset to begin the inspection.
Depending on the exact tablet model, the scanner location may differ from the above screenshot. The app itself will display the accurate location.
At any point, the operator may tap the Flashlight icon to use the tablet’s built-in flashlight to help in their inspection.
Choose an Operator
If there is only one operator logged into the tablet, that information is used for this step and this
step is skipped. If there are two operators logged in, the operator doing the inspection must tap
their name and then tap Continue.
Review Last Inspection
If the last inspection for the asset is available, the operator must review it before performing a new pre-/post-trip inspection.
If the checkbox confirming the review is not checked, the current inspection cannot continue. Each zone is displayed with its previous condition for the operator to review, unless there was no previous inspection found.
Each zone’s status is coded for quick reference:
No defects found in previous inspection.
Defects found, vehicle was safe to drive.
Defects found, vehicle was unsafe to drive.
Defects are flagged with a status:
- The defect has been noted, but not repaired.
- The defect has been corrected.
- Zone inspections labeled “Unverified” come from inspections that were
performed manually without scanning the corresponding zone tag.
Scrolling down the previous inspection will display all zones in the inspection, including
all defects that were found during the inspection.
Enter Information
In some cases, the inspection will require the operator to enter information before the inspection can continue. In this example, for a dump truck inspection configuration, the operator is asked to enter the mileage.
Perform New Inspection
- Scan the first zone tag to inspect that zone. The scanner on the tablet activates automatically.
If necessary, the operator can tap and hold a zone to perform a manual inspection. The operator will be required to enter their operator ID and PIN, and the zone will be marked as Unverified.
- When a zone is scanned, confirm that all elements are OK.
- If no defects are present, tap Mark all OK to continue the inspection and allow the next zone to be scanned.
- If any defects are present, follow these steps:
- Tap on the component that has the defect.
- Tap on the condition the component is in.
- If necessary, attach photographs to the condition.
You can attach 3 photos per defect and 5 photos per inspection.
- Tap Add Pictures. You can tap Take photo to take a new photo, or Choose from gallery to select an existing photo.
If images are already included with this report, Manage Pictures will replace Add Pictures.
- When Take photo is tapped:
- The camera allows you to take the photograph.
- After taking the photo, you can use the image or re-take the photo.
- The tablet automatically attaches the photo to the report.
- When selecting an image from the photo gallery:
- You may select from the tablet gallery.
- Tap Add Pictures. You can tap Take photo to take a new photo, or Choose from gallery to select an existing photo.
- Confirm that asset is safe to drive with the existing condition.
- If the asset is safe to drive, tap Yes.
- If the asset is unsafe to drive, tap No.
- Tap on the component that has the defect.
- Scan the next zone and repeat the inspection process for that zone.
Certify and Submit the Inspection
- Once the zones have been scanned, tap Continue, and then tap the check box that says "I certify that this inspection is accurate" and tap Submit.
- Dock the tablet to upload the inspection. You will hear two beeps when the inspection is uploaded.
Unverified Inspections
If a zone tag is missing, you can perform an Unverified Inspection.
- The first steps of the inspection remain the same.
- When prompted to scan a zone tag that is missing, select a zone by tapping and holding.
- Enter your ID in the PIN field or scan your operator card.
- Enter your PIN.
- Tap OK.
- Inspect the zone.
My inspection has trailer zones, but I don't have a trailer.
Trailer and Dolly zones are optional. An inspection is marked as Complete if no trailer zones are inspected.
If some, but not all, trailer zones are inspected the inspection is marked Incomplete.
When adding a trailer that does not have tags, tap and hold on each zone to perform an unverified inspection as above. Unverified inspections on trailers additionally ask you to type in the number for each unverified zone:
The same number must be typed for all zones on the same trailer. If a different number is typed, the system registers a second trailer marks the inspection as Incomplete.
View Inspection History
- On the Home screen, tap the History tab..
- On this screen you can access previous inspections and filter them by inspection type and asset.
- Tap All Inspections, to sort by inspection type
- Tap All Assets to sort by asset.
- Tap an inspection on the list to review the inspection, any reported defects, and repair status.
View Asset Profile
On the Home screen, tap the asset name to the right of Current asset to bring up the Asset profile.
The profile provides the following information:
- Asset Number
- Manufacturer (if provided)
- Asset Tag Number
- VIN (if provided)
- Asset Type (Standard, Trailer, or Dolly)
Update Inspection Options
- Make sure the tablet is docked and the engine is running.
- From the Home screen, tap Inspection Types.
- Tap Check for Updates. If there is an update, the tablet downloads the Inspection Configuration.