- Purpose
- Printable Version
- Troubleshooter
This guide is intended to walk you through some basic troubleshooting for the 2010 handheld device in an interactive format. It is also available in a non-interactive printable format.
Printable Version
Can you turn the 2010 on?
Perform basic maintenance checks.
- Put 2010 in the Reader Download Station (RDS) and ensure the charging light turns green.
- Ensure the RDS is plugged in and has power.
- Clean contacts with an alcohol swab if charging light does not come on.
- Allow the 2010 handheld to charge for 15-20 minutes.
Does the 2010 turn on now?
Check the date.
Does the screen display an unusual date?
- It displays the year '01.
- It displays a different year or unreadable characters.
- It displays the correct year.
You will need to update the date and time.
Turn device on and dock in working cradle on vehicle. The light on cradle will turn red, screen will clear and refresh with current date. 2010 will start shutting down. If the 2010 does not update, ensure good contact, clean copper contacts with alcohol swabs, and then try a new cradle.
Did the date and time correctly update?
You will need to reprogram the 2010.
Use the Reader Download Station (RDS) to reprogram device according to the RDS programming guide. If this fails, ensure clean contacts on both 2010 and RDS using alcohol swabs. Ensure solid connection by wiggling device till charging light turns on. Try reprogramming again.
RDS reprogramming will update date/time and the version number will update.
Did the 2010 reprogram successfully?
Your device is ready to use.
You may want to have your drivers perform a test inspection before returning devices to vehicles.
Troubleshooting ends here.
The device either has a bad battery or bad contacts.
You may attempt to swap the battery with a good unit. Verify the good unit charges the bad battery and attempt to turn on device with new good battery. As a last resort, try to reprogram device even without ability to turn on. If this doesn’t fix issue, a RMA is required.
Troubleshooting ends here.
Attempts to reprogram the 2010 handheld were unsuccessful.
If you have attempted to reprogram the device multiple times, have ensured clean contacts, and that the device is fully charged you may have a product that needs a RMA.
Troubleshooting ends here.