Everport Terminal Services (ETS) has issued a statement about the use of dash cams within terminal property.
ETS operates terminals in Los Angeles, Oakland, and Tacoma. This affects drivers and trucks who currently use Zonar Coach cameras.
Everport Terminal No Dash-camera Policy Update
In addition to our intermodal community, many common and private carriers enter the port on an infrequent basis. Everyone must familiarize themselves with their restrictions. Most terminals have taken a stance to allow the use of hard-wired dash-cams while inside the terminal. Recently, Everport Terminal Services issued an official statement clarifying their policy to prohibit dash-cams:
"It is Everport Terminal Services security policy to not allow photos or video recordings in restricted areas of the terminal. Restricted areas of the terminal begin and end at the TWIC security checkpoint. The use of dashboard cameras while on the terminal conflicts with our security policy. Truckers may use dash cameras in the queue lot/ staging area of the terminal but after passing the TWIC checkpoint the camera must be removed or covered at all times while in restricted areas within the terminal. Drivers unwilling to comply with company policy will be asked to leave the terminal."
Please advise your drivers and staff.