Zonar Engineering has identified an issue with the Tab Active ProClip dock where the tablet may not fully connect with the docking pins, resulting in a lack of charging.
If the Tab Active is placed in the dock such that the middle or left side of the tablet is connected last, the dock pins may not correctly communicate with the tablet and will not provide a charge.
Additionally, if the Tab Active is repeatedly connected and disconnected from the dock charging pins in a short period of time, it may enter a protective state in which it will refuse to charge, even from a stable source.
When docking the Tab Active, ensure that the right side of the tablet is connected to the dock last. This is accomplished by the following steps:
- Place the tablet in the dock, ensuring the bottom center side connects with the charging pins.
- Press down on the upper right corner to finish securing the tablet. The charging indicator should appear at this time.
If the tablet appears to enter a state in which no charging is possible, follow these steps:
- Disconnect the tablet from any and all charging sources.
- Allow the tablet to sit undisturbed for a minimum of 30 seconds.
- Attempt to connect the tablet to a charging source.
At this time, Zonar strongly recommends against using a separate USB charger with the Tab Active.
If the above steps do not allow the tablet to charge, contact Zonar Customer Support for further assistance.