To access the Path report, on the main menu, click Reports, under GPS Track & Trace, select Path.
The Path report provides path data for up to five assets total, each color-coded. These paths can have several events displayed that may have occurred over the duration of the path, including I/O, motion start and stop, and power on and off. These path events are displayed on a map. You can export these to a variety of formats. You can also narrow the search results for specific dates and times.
A benefit of this report is it gives you a visual, historical record of a vehicle's travels.
In the Filter pane, define the following criteria to narrow your search results for display on the map and in the results table. Learn more about using Maps in GTC.
The results table displays the following:
Asset No | Displays the asset that is being reported. Click the info |
Date Range | Displays the date specified in the filter (From date). |
Distance | Displays the total distance traveled during the path being reported. |
Max Speed | Displays the maximum speed during the path being reported. Click |
Max Idle | Displays the maximum idle time during the path being reported. Click |
Max Stop | Displays the maximum amount of time the asset was stopped during the path being reported. Click |
Export | Choose a format to export the path report: |
Export Options
The Path report offers several different ways to export the GPS data to allow for use outside Ground Traffic Control. The following section explains the difference between the various options, as well as the fields for the spreadsheet options.
KML File
KML files can be used to view the vehicle's path in Google Earth. Information on importing the KML file into Google Earth can be found on the Google support site.
Shapefile exports are a ZIP file containing four files: DBF, SHP, SHX, and PRJ. This ZIP file can be used with geographic information system (GIS) applications such as ArcGIS. More information can be found on the Shapefile Wikipedia page.
Driveline file
The Driveline export was created to provide a easy to use custom report for Driveline, a third-party application designed to assist with IFTA reporting. This application is no longer available, but the report may still be used if desired.
The Driveline export is a CSV that may be viewed in Excel, using the following columns of data per logged GPS point:
Column Header | Excel Column | Data Description |
Tractor Reference Number | A | The asset number of the vehicle |
Date | B | The date in YYYYMMDD format |
Time | C | The time in HHMMSS format (24-hour) |
Latitude | D | GPS Latitude |
Longitude | E | GPS Longitude |
Odometer | F | Odometer value |
Odometer Unit of Measure | G | Will be either MI (miles) or KM (kilometers) |
Heading | H | Cardinal direction in which vehicle is moving |
Engine Status | I | Whether the engine is on or off |
Fuel | J | The amount of fuel used since the last time the GPS unit rebooted or gained power |
Fuel Unit | K | Will be either G (gallons) or L (liters) |
EXSID | L | External System ID as entered in Manage Assets |
Asset Id | M | Internal database ID of the asset |
Location | N | The GTC location the asset is listed under in Manage Assets |
Speed(MPH/KPH) | O | Speed of the asset using listed units |
Acceleration | P | Current acceleration comparing listed data point to polled data point 1 second earlier (not necessarily last logged data point). Value is in decimeter/sec2; ex. -8 = -0.8 m/s2 = -1.8 mph/s (multiply value by 0.22369 to get mph/s) |
Distance(Miles/Kilometers) | Q | Distance traveled since the beginning of the time range of the report (will always start at 0) using listed units |
Reason | R | Indicates the type of GPS point. See Reason Codes for a listing. |
Status | S | A bitmask encoding of information sent with the GPS point. To decode the Status value, refer to Status Mask.
Refer to Reason column for the same information in user-readable format. |
Fuel Level | T | Provides current level of fuel tank if available from ECM. |
Fuel Capacity | U | Provides capacity of fuel tank if available from ECM. |
CSV file
The CSV file is a human-readable file that can be opened in Excel. It provides the same information as the map-based path report, but in a spreadsheet. This file can be customized extensively via the API (refer to Export A Path documentation), but the export on the website provides the following data:
Column Header | Excel Column | Data Description |
Asset ID | A | Internal database ID of the asset |
Asset No. | B | The asset number of the vehicle |
Date | C | The date in MM/DD/YYYY format |
Time(PST) | D | The time in HH:MM:SS format (24-hour) Parentheses indicates timezone used |
Speed(MPH/KPH) | E | Speed of the asset using listed units |
Heading | F | Cardinal direction in which vehicle is moving |
Log Reason | G | Indicates the type of GPS point |
Distance Traveled (Miles/Kilometers) | H | Distance traveled since the beginning of the time range of the report (will always start at 0) using listed units |
Lat | I | GPS latitude |
Lon | J | GPS longitude |
Zone | K | The name of the smallest geofence in which the GPS point was logged |
Address | L | Blank for CSV file option |
Source | M | Indicates whether odometer & velocity for this GPS point came from ECM or GPS |
CSV file with addresses
This option is exactly the same as the CSV file, except the Address field is filled in:
Column Header | Excel Column | Data Description |
Address | L | Shows the closest available address Address is reverse-geocoded by HERE based on the latitude/longitude |