Use these functions to manage location of interest categories. For LOI1 management functions see:
- Add a Location of Interest
- Edit a Location of Interest
- Delete a Location of Interest
- List Locations of Interest
Use this function to add a new LOI1 category.
Required Information | |
Name | Description |
action | editposition |
operation | addloicategories |
format | xml |
name | The name to give the LOI1 category. Any arbitrary text string up to 128 characters in length. |
isvisible | Either 'true' or 'false'. Indicates whether the category will be displayed or not. |
Add Reply
Returned information: A success or error message.
Example Request
Example Success Reply
<success ver="1">
1 LOI means Location of Interest; called "Zone" in the GPS tools and reports found within the Ground Traffic Control web application.
Use this to delete an existing LOI1 category.
Required Information | |
Name | Description |
action | editposition |
operation | deleteloicategories |
format | xml |
target | The name of the LOI1 category to remove. |
Delete Reply
Returned information: A success or error message.
Example Request
An LOI1 category that has LOI assigned to it cannot be deleted. In this case the error code returned will be 203.
1 LOI means Location of Interest; called "Zone" in the GPS tools and reports found within the Ground Traffic Control web application.
Use this to alter the name or visible status of an LOI1 category.
Required Information | |
Name | Description |
action | editposition |
operation | editloicategories |
format | xml |
target | The name of the LOI1 category to modify. |
name | The new name to give the LOI1 category. Any arbitrary text string up to 128 characters in length. |
isvisible | Either 'true' or 'false'. Indicates whether the category will be displayed or not. |
Edit Reply
Returned information: A success or error message.
Example Request
1 LOI means Location of Interest; called "Zone" in the GPS tools and reports found within the Ground Traffic Control web application.
Use this to obtain a list of the existing LOI1 categories in the system.
Required Information | |
Name | Description |
action | editposition |
operation | loicategories |
format | xml |
List Reply
Returned information: Either an LOI1 category list or an error response.
<!ELEMENT loicategory_list (category*)>
<!ATTLIST category isvisible CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST category name CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST category loicount CDATA #REQUIRED>
Reply Data | |
Name | Description |
category | An LOI1 category object. |
id | The database id of the category. A positive integer quantity. |
isvisible | Either 'true' or 'false'. Indicates whether the category is visible in the web interface or not. |
name | The name of the category. An arbitrary text string up to 128 characters long. |
loicount | The number of locations of interest assigned to the category. A non negative integer quantity, may be zero. |
Example Request
Example Success Reply
<category id="11" isvisible="true" name="Example" loicount="0"/>
<category id="12" isvisible="false" name="Yards" loicount="5"/>
<category id="27" isvisible="true" name="States" loicount="27"/>
<category id="18" isvisible="true" name="Exclusion Areas" loicount="2"/>
1 LOI means Location of Interest; called "Zone" in the GPS tools and reports found within the Ground Traffic Control web application.