Request Data
Provides the last PTO, engine hours and odometer reading for a given asset for a given time range.
Required Information | |
Name | Description |
action | showopen |
operation | showusage |
format | xml |
target | Query key for a specific asset. Use the reqtype value below to specify which type of data is referenced here.
This API call can only return information for a single asset. |
reqtype | Flag to identify the type of key being used to query. Acceptable values:
starttime | The beginning date and time, as an epoch time, to query asset for. |
endtime | The ending date and time, as an epoch time, to query asset for.
The maximum query range is 2 weeks. |
Optional Information | |
type | Required when using reqtype of tag or fleet . Specifies the type of asset being queried. For more information on which values to use here, see Asset Types. |
enginehoursversion | The Engine Hours report version to use when querying for engine hours data. Options are:
Example Request
Data Returned
<!ELEMENT showusage (asset*)> <!ATTLIST showusage ver CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT asset> <!ATTLIST asset id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST asset fleet CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT odometer> <!ATTLIST odometer lastts CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT pto> <!ATTLIST pto lastts CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT enginehours (accruedhours, totalhours)> <!ATTLIST enginehours lastts CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT accruedhours> <!ELEMENT totalhours>
Reply Data | |
Name | Description |
showusage | Root element of response. |
showusage ver | Version of showusage call. |
asset | The asset being queried. |
asset id | Internal database ID of asset. |
asset fleet | Asset's fleet name. |
odometer | The odometer value in meters. |
odometer lastts | The last time, as an epoch, this odometer reading was provided within the time range provided. |
pto | PTO hours value in seconds. |
pto lastts | The last time, as an epoch, the PTO hours reading was provided within the time range provided. |
enginehours | Root element of engine hour values. |
enginehours lastts | The last time, as an epoch, the engine hour readings were provided within the time range provided. |
accruedhours | Accrued Engine hours. |
totalhours | Total Engine hours. |
Example Reply
<showusage ver="1">
<asset id="16" fleet="AUTO 2702">
<odometer lastts="1389044558">115288922</odometer>
<pto lastts="1389046122">577</pto>
<enginehours lastts="1389089345">