Use this call to obtain a report of the elapsed mileage for assets in the system or a specific asset for a specified time range. This value is computed using the following process:
- The reported mileage value for the earliest inspection within the specified time range is found.
- This value is subtracted from the reported mileage value for the latest inspection within the specified time range.
- The result is the elapsed mileage for that asset.
To find the current reported mileage value for an asset, use the Get Assets call.
Though the term mileage is used, this number may refer to kilometers, hours of operation or any other value collected during the asset inspection. Implementers should understand the nature of the inspections they are working with and the data collected.
Request Data
This action was added to protocol version 1.01.
This action has changed in version 2. When requesting a specific asset using either the tag or fleet request types the asset type must also be specified. Version 1.x requests will assume a type of Standard (0) in these situations.
Required Information | |
Name | Description |
action | showstats |
operation | mileage |
format | xml |
startyear | Year component of the report start date. Integer. |
startmonth | Month component of the report start date. Integer between 1 and 12 inclusive. |
startday | Day component of the report start date. Integer. |
endyear | Year component of the report end date. Integer. |
endmonth | Month component of the report end date. Integer between 1 and 12 inclusive. |
endday | Day component of the report end date. Integer. |
Optional Information | |
logvers | Log version for this API call. Acceptable values are:
start | Epoch timestamp for the report start. Note that start is only valid when used with logvers=2 |
end | Epoch timestamp for the report end. Note that start is only valid when used with logvers=2 |
location | Location to filter with. Text. If provided only assets assigned to that location will be returned. If location is not supplied or an empty location is specified, assets from all locations will be returned.
If a target is specified, the location filter is not applied. |
showactiveonly | If specified as 'true' only assets with an elapsed mileage greater than 0 will be returned and negative elapsed mileages will not be counted towards the total mileage for the fleet. |
target | Specific asset to report mile for, rather than entire fleet. If specified then reqtype must be specified as well. See asset target for details. |
reqtype | Flag to identify the key being used to query. Acceptable values:
type | When using reqtype of tag or fleet this must also be specified in version 2.X. In version 1.x type Standard (0) is assumed. See asset types for more details. |
Example Request
Data Returned
A list of assets with their elapsed mileage.
<!ELEMENT assetmileagelist (asset*)>
<!ATTLIST assetmileagelist ver CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST assetmileagelist assetcount CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST assetmileagelist activecount CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST assetmileagelist total CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT assetmiles (name, tag, vin, fleet, exsid, mileage, location, elapsed)>
<!ELEMENT fleet (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT exsid (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT mileage (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT location (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT elapsed (#PCDATA)>
Example Success Reply
<assetmileagelist ver="1.19" assetcount="119" activecount="0" total="0">
<location>Outreach Work Assets</location>
Example Error Reply
<error ver="1.0">
<message>Invalid value for end: </message>